.. index:: dotfiles.venv .. index:: Venv .. _venv: ====== Venv ====== Venv makes working with :ref:`virtualenv`, :ref:`virtualenvwrapper`, :ref:`Bash`, :ref:`ZSH`, :ref:`Vim`, and :ref:`IPython` within a project context very easy. There are a few parts to ``venv``: * `ipython_config.py`_ (:py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config`) configures IPython at startup. * `venv.py`_ is a symlink to ``ipython_config.py``. * `venv.py`_ is a CLI script for generating `shell configuration`_ and `CdAlias`_ scripts for :ref:`Bash`, :ref:`ZSH`, :ref:`IPython`, and :ref:`Vim`. * `ipython_magics.py`_ (:py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_magics`) configures :py:class:`CdAliases ` and the ``dotfiles_status`` (``ds``) command for :ref:`IPython`. * `10-bashrc.venv.sh`_ configures :ref:`Bash` at startup (see: :ref:`Usage > Bash `) To configure a shell, print relevant env variables (twice), ``cd`` to the working directory (``$_WRD``), and open ``README.rst`` in a named :ref:`Vim` server for an existing venv named ``dotfiles``: .. code-block:: bash we dotfiles; ds; cdwrd; e README.rst .. note:: For a new venv (as might be created with ``mkvirtualenv dotfiles``), the ``$_SRC`` and ``$_WRD`` directories do not yet exist. You can create these like so: .. code-block:: bash ## _APP=dotfiles _WRD=$VIRTUAL_ENV/src/$_APP mkdir -p $_WRD Or, to create a more complete :ref:`FHS` tree of directories under ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``: .. code-block:: bash venv_mkdirs; mkdir -p $_WRD .. _10-bashrc.venv.sh: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/etc/bash/10-bashrc.venv.sh .. _ipython_config.py: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/src/dotfiles/venv/ipython_config.py .. _ipython_magics.py: https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/src/dotfiles/venv/ipython_magics.py Working With Venv =================== To work on a venv: .. code-block:: bash we dotfiles ``we`` is an alias for ``workon_venv``, which does ``source <(venv.py -q --print-bash --ve=dotfiles)``. Verbosely: .. code-block:: bash __WRK="~/-wrk" # cdwrk PROJECT_HOME="${__WRK}" # cdph cdprojecthome WORKON_HOME="${__WRK}/-ve27" # cdwh cdworkonhome __DOTFILES="~/-dotfiles" # cdd cddotfiles # a very special symlink to # $WORKON_HOME/dotfiles/src/dotfiles __VENV=$(which venv.py); __VENV="${__DOTFILES}/scripts/venv.py" # 10-bashrc.venv.sh # venv() { (set -x; $__VENV $@) } # 10-bashrc.venv.sh # venv-() { (set -x; $__VENV -e $@) } # 10-bashrc.venv.sh # These all print venv.py --help: $__VENV --help venv.py --help venv -h # Print environment variables for the "dotfiles" venv: venv.py --print-vars --VIRTUAL_ENV="${WORKON_HOME}/dotfiles" venv.py --print-vars --virtual-env="${WORKON_HOME}/dotfiles" venv.py --print-vars --ve="${WORKON_HOME}/dotfiles" venv.py --print-vars --ve dotfiles venv.py --print-vars dotfiles # Generate a source-able Bash configuration script venv.py --print-bash dotfiles ## Workon the dotfiles virtualenv (in the current shell) we dotfiles ## Workon the dotfiles virtualenv (with a bash subshell) venv.py -x bash dotfiles venv.py -xb dotfiles .. note:: The following commands are different to argparse (argument order matter with positional arguments) .. code-block:: bash venv dotfiles --print-bash # does not work venv --print-bash dotfiles # does work # As a workaround, be explicit venv --ve=dotfiles --print-bash # does work CdAlias ----------------- Virtualenv paths can be really long. CdAliases make it easy to jump around to ``venv`` defined variables (like ``$_WRK`` (cdwrk), ``$WORKON_HOME`` (cdwh), ``VIRTUAL_ENV`` (cdv), ``$_SRC`` (cds), and ``$_WRD`` (cdw)). Each :py:class:`CdAlias ` defined in ``env.aliases`` is expanded for Bash, IPython, and Vim. For example, ``CdAlias('__WRD')`` is expanded to ``cdwrd``, ``cdw``; ``%cdwrd``, ``cdw``, and ``:Cdwrk``, ``:Cdw``: .. code:: bash # Bash cdwrd cdwrd cdwrd docs/ cdw docs/ # IPython %cdwrd cdwrd cdwrd docs/ cdw docs/ # Vim :Cdwrk :Cdwrk docs/ :Cdw docs/ At build time, the dotfiles Makefile generates the venv CdAlias scripts like so: .. code:: bash # Generate venv CdAlias scripts venv.py --print-bash-cdalias . | tee venv_cdalias.sh venv.py --print-ipython-cdalias . | tee venv_cdmagic.py venv.py --print-vim . | tee venv.vim venv.py -------------- .. command-output:: python ../src/dotfiles/venv/ipython_config.py --help :shell: Python API ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A :py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Venv` object builds: * a :py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` ``OrderedDict`` with ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``-relative paths and environment variables in a standard filesystem hierarchy * an ``OrderedDict`` of command and `CdAlias`_ aliases A :py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Venv` object can then be serialized: * ``--print-vars`` -- easy to read variables * ``--print-json`` -- quoted and escaped JSON * ``--print-bash`` -- quoted and escaped shell script * IPython ``%alias`` configuration dict (see ``%alias?``) There are a number of ``unittest.TestCase`` tests in :py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config` (`ipython_config.py`_) for each of the build steps. ``venv --verbose --show-diffs`` shows what is going on. Example Venv Configuration ---------------------------- Shell Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``venv.py --print-bash --compress dotfilesx dotfilesx/docs``: .. command-output:: python ../scripts/venv.py --print-bash --compress dotfilesx dotfilesx/docs \ | sed "s,${HOME},~,g" :shell: .. note:: The ``--compress`` option is for documentation purposes only; without this option, paths are expanded in full. JSON Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``venv.py --print-json dotfiles``: .. command-output:: python ../scripts/venv.py --print-json dotfilesx dotfilesx/docs \ | python ../scripts/venv.py --compress dotfilesx dotfilesx/docs \ | sed "s,${HOME},~,g" :shell: Other scripts with venv-style paths ====================================== To define a script environment just like venv: .. code:: bash #!/bin/sh __WRK="${HOME}/-wrk" # cdwrk __DOTFILES="${HOME}/-dotfiles" # cdd cddotfiles PROJECT_HOME="${__WRK}" # cdph cdprojecthome WORKON_HOME="${__WRK}/-ve27" # cdwh cdworkonhome VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME="dotfiles" # 'dotfiles' _APP=$VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME # 'dotfiles[/p/a/t/h]' VIRTUAL_ENV="$WORKON_HOME/$VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME" # cdv cdvirtualenv _SRC="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src" # cds cdsrc _BIN="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin" # cde cdbin _ETC="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc" # cde cdetc _LOG="${VIRTUAL_ENV}/var/log" # cdl cdlog # ... see: venv.py --print-vars / ... _WRD="${_SRC}/{_APP}" # cdw cdwrd (set -x; test "$_WRD" == "${HOME}/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/src/dotfiles"; \ || echo "Exception: _WRD = '${_WRD}';" )