.. index:: Usage .. _usage: Usage ======= * :ref:`Install the dotfiles` with `bootstrap_dotfiles.sh`_ * Develop with the `Makefile`_ (:ref:`Make`) * Shell with `Bash`_ (:ref:`Bash`, :ref:`ZSH`) * Edit text files with `Vim`_ (:ref:`Vim`) * Manage windows on :ref:`Linux` platforms with `I3wm`_ (:ref:`I3wm`) * :ref:`Script ` all the `things `__ .. index:: bootstrap_dotfiles.sh .. _bootstrap_dotfiles.sh: bootstrap_dotfiles.sh ----------------------- | https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh ``bash scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh -h``: .. command-output:: bash $_WRD/scripts/bootstrap_dotfiles.sh -h :shell: .. index:: Dotfiles Makefile .. _dotfiles_makefile: Makefile ------------- | https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/Makefile ``make help``: .. command-output:: cd $_WRD && make help :shell: .. index:: Dotfiles Bash Configuration .. _dotfiles_bash_config: Bash ----- | https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/etc/.bashrc | https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/etc/bash/00-bashrc.before.sh ``make help_bash_rst``: .. literalinclude:: bash_conf.txt .. index:: Dotfiles Vim Configuration .. index:: Dotvim .. _dotvim: Vim ----- | https://github.com/westurner/dotvim/blob/master/vimrc | https://github.com/westurner/dotvim/blob/master/vimrc.full.bundles.vimrc | https://github.com/westurner/dotvim/blob/master/vimrc.tinyvim.bundles.vimrc ``make help_vim_rst``: .. literalinclude:: dotvim_conf.txt .. index:: Dotfiles i3wm Configuration .. index:: I3wm configuration .. _dotfiles_i3wm: I3wm ----- | https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/blob/master/etc/.i3/config ``make help_i3_rst``: .. literalinclude:: i3_conf.txt .. index:: Dotfiles Scripts .. _dotfiles_scripts: Scripts --------- | https://github.com/westurner/dotfiles/tree/master/scripts In ``scripts/`` **bashmarks_to_nerdtree.sh** Convert `bashmarks` shortcut variables starting with ``DIR_`` to `NERDTreeBookmarks `_ format:: export | grep 'DIR_' l # list bashmarks s awesome # save PWD as 'awesome' bashmark g awesome # goto the 'awesome' bashmark ./bashmarks_to_nerdtree.sh | tee ~/.NERDTreeBookmarks **bootstrap_dotfiles.sh** Clone, update, and install dotfiles in ``$HOME`` See: `bootstrap_dotfiles.sh`_ **compare_installed.py** Compare packages listed in a debian/ubuntu APT ``.manifest`` with installed packages. See: https://github.com/westurner/pkgsetcomp **gittagstohgtags.sh** Convert ``git`` tags to ``hgtags`` format **pulse.sh** Setup, configure, start, stop, and restart ``pulseaudio`` **setup_mathjax.py** Setup ``MathJax`` **setup_pandas_notebook_deb.sh** Setup ``IPython Notebook``, ``Scipy``, ``Numpy``, ``Pandas`` with Ubuntu packages and pip **setup_pandas_notebook.sh** Setup ``Brew``, ``IPython Notebook``, ``scipy``, ``numpy``, and pandas on OSX **setup_scipy_deb.py** Install and symlink ``scipy``, ``numpy``, and ``matplotlib`` from ``apt`` **deb_deps.py** Work with debian dependencies **deb_search.py** Search for a debian package **build_docs.py** Build sets of sphinx documentation projects **el** Open args from stdin with ``EDITOR_`` or ``EDITOR``. Similar to ``xargs``. ``grep -l TODO | el`` opens files in ``EDITOR_`` ``grep -l TODO | el -x echo`` echos 'filename1 filename2 filenamen' ``grep -l TODO | el -v --each -x echo`` runs echo ``n`` times, verbosely **greppaths.py** Grep **lsof.py** lsof subprocess wrapper **mactool.py** MAC address tool **optimizepath.py** Work with PATH as an ordered set **passwordstrength.py** Gauge password strength **pipls.py** Walk and enumerate a pip requirements file **pycut.py** Similar to ``coreutils``' ``cut``: split line-based files into fields. See: *pyline.py* (``pyline 'w[1:2]'``) **py_index.py** Create a python package index HTML file for a directory of packages. (``.egg``, ``.zip``, ``.tar.gz``, ``tgz``) **pyline.py** Similar to ``sed`` and ``awk``: Execute python expressions over line-based files. See: https://github.com/westurner/pyline **pyren.py** Skeleton regex file rename script See: https://github.com/westurner/pyleset **pyrpo.py** Wrap version control system commandline interfaces See: https://github.com/westurner/pyrpo **usrlog.sh** **Log shell output** with (by default, unique) TERM_IDs, PWD, start / finish times to ``~/-usrlog.log`` or ``$VIRTUAL_ENV/-usrlog.log``. **usrlog.py** Search through ``.usrlog`` files **xlck.sh** Wrap ``xautolock`` for screensaver, shutdown, suspend, resume config (e.g. ``.xinitrc`` calls ``xlck.sh -S``) **x-www-browser** Launch browser tabs for each argument (OSX, Linux, webbrowser)