Source code for dotfiles.venv.ipython_config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

============================== (venv)

Create virtual environment configurations
with a standard filesystem hierarchy overlay
and cd aliases for Bash, ZSH, Vim, and IPython
for use with virtualenv, virtualevwrapper,
and anything that has or should have
a prefix like ``VIRTUAL_ENV`` and
directories like
``./bin``, ``./etc``, ``./var/log``, and ``./src``.

Functional comparisons:

* T-Square, Compass, Table Sled, Stencil, Template, Floorplan, Lens

Venv Implementation

- create an :py:mod:`Env` (``env = Env()``)
- define ``__WRK`` workspace root
- define ``VIRTUAL_ENV``, ``_SRC``, ``_ETC``, ``_WRD``
- define ``WORKON_HOME``

- create and add :py:mod:`Steps` (``builder.add_step(step_func)``)
  - define variables like ``env['__WRK']`` (``Venv.env.environ['PATH']``)
  - define IPython shell command aliases (``Env.aliases``,
    ``e``, ``ps``, ``git``, ``gitw``)
- create a :py:mod:`StepBuilder` (``builder = StepBuilder()``)
- build a new env from steps: ``new_env =``

- print an :py:mod:`Env`to:

  - ``--print-json`` -- JSON (Env.to_dict, Env.to_json)
  - ``--print-ipython`` -- IPython configuration (Env.environ, Env.aliases)
  - ``--print-bash`` -- Bash configuration (Env.environ, Env.aliases)
  - ``--print-bash-cdalias`` -- Bash configuration (Env.environ, Env.aliases)
  - ``--print-zsh`` ZSH -- configuration (Env.environ, Env.aliases)
  - ``--print-zsh-cdalias`` -- ZSH configuration (Env.environ, Env.aliases)
  - ``--print-vim-cdalias`` -- Vim configuration (Env.aliases)

- generate and source CdAliases that expand and complete where possible
  (``cdwrk``, ``cdwrd``, ``cdw``)
  - define CdAliases in (this file)
  - generate (``cdwrk``)
  - generate venv.vim (``:Cdwrk``)
  - generate (``%cdwrk``, ``cdwrk``)

.. note::

   This module may only import from the Python standard library,
   so that it always works as ``~/.ipython/profile_default/``

import collections
import copy
import difflib
import distutils.spawn
import functools
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import site
import StringIO
import subprocess
import sys
import unittest

from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import join as joinpath

## try/except imports for IPython
# import IPython
# import zmq
## import sympy

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    STR_TYPES = basestring

    # workaround for Sphinx autodoc bug
    import __builtin__
[docs] def print(*args, **kwargs): __builtin__.print(*args, **kwargs)
else: STR_TYPES = str LOGNAME = 'venv' log = logging.getLogger(LOGNAME) __THISFILE = os.path.abspath(__file__) # __VENV_CMD = "python {}" # __VENV_CMD = "python %s" % __THISFILE
[docs]def logevent(event, obj=None, logger=log, level=logging.DEBUG, wrap=False, splitlines=True): """ Args: event (str): an event key obj (thing): thing to serialize and log logger (logging.Logger): logger to log to level (int): logging loglevel to log (event, obj) wrap (bool): Add header and footer <event> tags (default: False) splitlines (bool): split by newlines and emit one log message per line Returns: tuple: (event:str, output:str) """ eventstr = event.replace('\t','<tab/>') # XXX: raises def add_event_prefix(eventstr, line): return '{eventstr}\t{line}'.format(eventstr=eventstr, line=line) def _log(event, output): logger.log(level, add_event_prefix(event, output)) if wrap: _log(event, '# <{eventstr}>'.format(eventstr=eventstr)) output = None if hasattr(obj, 'to_json'): output = obj.to_json(indent=2) else: output = pprint.pformat(obj) if splitlines: for line in output.splitlines(): _log(event, line) # TODO: comment? else: _log(event, output) if wrap: _log(event, '# </{eventstr}>'.format(eventstr=eventstr)) return (event, output) ## Exception classes
[docs]class ConfigException(Exception): pass
[docs]class StepException(Exception): pass
[docs]class StepConfigException(StepException, ConfigException): pass
[docs]def prepend_comment_char(strblock, commentchar="##"): """ Args: strblock (str): string to split by newlines and prepend prefix (str): comment string prefix (one space will be added) Yields: str: lines prefixed with prefix """ for line in strblock.splitlines(): yield " ".join((commentchar, line)) ## Constant getters (for now)
[docs]def get_pyver(pyverstr=None): """ Args: pyver (str): "major.minor" e.g. ``2.7`` or ``3.4`` (default: ``sys.version_info[:2]``) Returns: str: ``python2.7``, ``python.34`` """ if pyverstr is None: pyver = 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] else: pyver = 'python%s' % pyverstr return pyver
[docs]def get___WRK_default(env=None, **kwargs): if env is None: env = Env() __WRK = kwargs.get('__WRK', env.get('__WRK', os.path.expanduser('~/-wrk'))) log.debug('get__WRK\t%s' % {'__WRK': __WRK, 'env[__WRK]': env.get('__WRK')}) return __WRK
[docs]def get_WORKON_HOME_default(env=None, from_environ=False, default='-ve27', **kwargs): """ Keyword Arguments: env (dict): Env dict to read from (default: None) from_environ (bool): read WORKON_HOME from os.environ default (str): default WORKON_HOME dirname __WRK (str): Returns: str: path to a ``WORKON_HOME`` directory """ __WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT = default if env is None: if from_environ: env = Env.from_environ(os.environ) # TODO: os.environ.copy() else: env = Env() env['__WRK'] = kwargs.get('__WRK', env.get('__WRK', get___WRK_default(env=env))) workon_home = env.get('WORKON_HOME') # TODO: WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT if workon_home: return workon_home python27_home = env.get('WORKON_HOME__py27') if python27_home: workon_home = python27_home return workon_home else: python27_home = joinpath(env['__WRK'], __WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT) workon_home = python27_home return workon_home workon_home = os.path.expanduser('~/.virtualenvs/') if os.path.exists(workon_home): return workon_home workon_home = joinpath(env['__WRK'], __WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT) return workon_home
[docs]class VenvJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): return dict(obj.to_dict()) if isinstance(obj, OrderedDict): # TODO: why is this necessary? return dict(obj) if isinstance(obj, CdAlias): #return dict(type="cdalias",value=(, obj.pathvar)) return obj.pathvar return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) ############## ## define aliases as IPython aliases (which support %l and %s,%s) # which can then be transformed to: # * ipython aliases ("echo %l; ping -t %s -n %s")
[docs]class CmdAlias(object): """ """ def __init__(self, cmdstr): """ Args: cmdstr (str): command alias """ self.cmdstr = cmdstr
[docs] def to_shell_str(self, name=None): """ Generate an alias or function for bash/zsh Keyword Arguments: name (str): funcname to override default Returns: str: self.cmdstr (AS-IS) """ return self.cmdstr
[docs] def to_ipython_alias(self): """ Generate an alias for IPython Returns: str: self.cmdstr (AS-IS) """ return self.cmdstr
[docs] def to_vim_function(self): """ Generate a vim function Raises: NotImplemented: See IpyAlias.to_vim_function str: self.cmdstr (AS-IS) """ raise NotImplemented
__str__ = to_shell_str __repr__ = to_shell_str
[docs]class IpyAlias(CmdAlias): """ An IPython alias command string which expands to a shell function ``aliasname() { ... }`` and handles positional args ``%s`` and ``%l`` References: * TODO: IPython docs """ def __init__(self, cmdstr, name=None): """ Args: cmdstr (str): if cmdstr contains ``%s`` or ``%l``, it will be expanded to a shell function Keyword Arguments: name (str): None to set at serialization (so that ``$ type cmd`` shows the actual command) """ = name self.cmdstr = cmdstr
[docs] def to_shell_str(self, name=None): """ Generate an alias or function for bash/zsh Keyword Arguments: name (str): funcname to override default Returns: str: ``alias name=repr(cmdstr)`` OR ``{cmdname} () {\n...\n}{...}`` """ alias = self.cmdstr name = getattr(self, 'name') if name is None else name if '%s' in alias or '%l' in alias: # alias = '# %s' % alias # chunks = alias.split('%s') _alias = alias[:] count = 0 while '%s' in _alias: count += 1 _alias = _alias.replace('%s', '${%d}' % count, 1) _aliasmacro = ( 'eval \'{cmdname} () {{\n {aliasfunc}\n}}\';'.format( cmdname=name, aliasfunc=_alias)) return _aliasmacro.replace('%l', '$@') # TODO: repr(alias) / shell_quote / mangling #XXX return 'alias {}={}'.format(name, repr(alias))
[docs]class CdAlias(CmdAlias): """ A CmdAlias for ``cd`` change directory functions with venv paths (e.g. $_WRD) for Bash, ZSH, IPython, Vim. * bash functions with tab-completion (cdwrd, cdw, cdw<tab>) * ipython magics (%cdwrd, cdwrd, cdw) * venv.vim: vim functions (:Cdwrd) """ def __init__(self, pathvar, name=None, aliases=None): """ Args: pathvar (str): path variable to cd to Keyword Arguments: name (str): alias name (default: ``pathvar.lower.replace('_','')``) _WRD -> cdwrd, :Cdwrd WORKON_HOME -> workonhome aliases (list[str]): additional alias names (e.g. ['cdw',]) .. py:attribute:: BASH_ALIAS_TEMPLATE .. py:attribute:: BASH_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE .. py:attribute:: BASH_COMPLETION_TEMPLATE .. py:attribute:: IPYTHON_MAGICS_FILE_HEADER .. py:attribute:: IPYTHON_METHOD_TEMPLATE .. py:attribute:: VIM_COMMAND_TEMPLATE .. py:attribute:: VIM_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE """ self.pathvar = pathvar self.cmdstr = "cd {}".format(self.pathvar) if name is None: name = pathvar.lower().replace('_','') = name if aliases is None: aliases = list() self.aliases = aliases IPYTHON_MAGICS_FILE_HEADER = ( ''' #!/usr/bin/env ipython # dotfiles.venv.ipython_cdmagic from __future__ import print_function """ IPython ``%cd`` ``%magic?`` commands """ import os try: from IPython.core.magic import (Magics, magics_class, line_magic) except ImportError: print("ImportError: IPython") # Mock IPython for building docs Magics = object magics_class = lambda cls, *args, **kwargs: cls line_magic = lambda func, *args, **kwargs: func @magics_class class VenvMagics(Magics): def cd(self, envvar, line): """ Change directory Args: envvar (str): os.environ variable name line (str): path to append to envvar """ prefix = os.environ.get(envvar, "") path = os.path.join(prefix, line) return'cd %s' % path) ''') IPYTHON_METHOD_TEMPLATE = ( ''' @line_magic def {ipy_func_name}(self, line): """ipy_func_name() -- cd ${pathvar}/${@}""" return'{pathvar}', line) ''') VIM_HEADER_TEMPLATE = ( '''\n''' '''" ### venv.vim\n\n''' '''function! Cd_help()\n''' '''" cdhelp() -- list cd commands\n''' ''' :verbose command Cd\n''' '''endfunction\n''' '''command! -nargs=* Cdhelp call Cd_help()\n''' '''\n''') VIM_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE = ( '''function! {vim_func_name}(...)\n''' '''" {vim_func_name}() -- cd ${pathvar}/$1\n''' ''' if a:0 > 0\n''' ''' let pathname = join([${pathvar}, a:1], "/")\n''' ''' else\n''' ''' let pathname = "${pathvar}"\n''' ''' endif\n''' ''' execute 'cd' pathname \n''' ''' pwd\n''' '''endfunction\n''' ) VIM_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = ( '''" :{cmd_name} -- {vim_func_name}()\n''' """command! -nargs=* {cmd_name} call {vim_func_name}(<f-args>)\n""" ) @property
[docs] def vim_cmd_name(self): """ Returns: str: e.g "Cdwrd" """ return "Cd{}".format(
[docs] def vim_cmd_names(self): """ Returns: list: self.vim_cmd_name + self.aliases.title() """ return ([self.vim_cmd_name,] + [alias.title() for alias in self.aliases if not alias.endswith('-')])
[docs] def to_vim_function(self): """ Returns: str: vim function block """ conf = {} conf['pathvar'] = self.pathvar conf['vim_func_name'] = "Cd_" + self.pathvar conf['vim_cmd_name'] = self.vim_cmd_name conf['vim_cmd_names'] = self.vim_cmd_names output = CdAlias.VIM_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE.format(**conf) for cmd_name in conf['vim_cmd_names']: output = output + (CdAlias.VIM_COMMAND_TEMPLATE .format(cmd_name=cmd_name, pathvar=conf['pathvar'], vim_func_name=conf['vim_func_name'])) return output
BASH_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE = ( """{bash_func_name} () {{\n""" """ # {bash_func_name}() -- cd {pathvar} /$@\n""" """ cd "${pathvar}"/$@\n""" """}}\n""" """{bash_compl_name} () {{\n""" """ local cur="$2";\n""" """ COMPREPLY=($({bash_func_name} && compgen -d -- "${{cur}}" ))\n""" """}}\n""" ) BASH_ALIAS_TEMPLATE = ( """{cmd_name} () {{\n""" """ # {cmd_name}() -- cd ${pathvar}\n""" """ {bash_func_name} $@\n""" """}}\n""" ) BASH_COMPLETION_TEMPLATE = ( """complete -o default -o nospace -F {bash_compl_name} {cmd_name}\n""" ) @property
[docs] def bash_func_name(self): """ Returns: str: e.g. "cdwrd" """ return "cd{}".format(
[docs] def bash_func_names(self): """ Returns: list: self.bash_func_name + self.aliases """ return [self.bash_func_name,] + self.aliases
[docs] def to_bash_function(self, include_completions=True): """ Keyword Arguments: include_completions (bool): generate inline Bash completions Returns: str: bash function block """ conf = {} conf['pathvar'] = self.pathvar conf['bash_func_name'] = self.bash_func_name conf['bash_func_names'] = self.bash_func_names conf['bash_compl_name'] = "_cd_%s_complete" % self.pathvar def _iter_bash_function(conf): yield (CdAlias.BASH_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE.format(**conf)) for cmd_name in conf['bash_func_names'][1:]: yield (CdAlias.BASH_ALIAS_TEMPLATE .format(cmd_name=cmd_name, pathvar=conf['pathvar'], bash_func_name=conf['bash_func_name'])) if include_completions: for cmd_name in conf['bash_func_names']: yield (CdAlias.BASH_COMPLETION_TEMPLATE .format(cmd_name=cmd_name, bash_compl_name=conf['bash_compl_name'])) return ''.join(_iter_bash_function(conf)) #def to_shell_str(self): # return 'cd {}/%l'.format(shell_varquote(self.PATH_VARIABLE))
[docs] def to_shell_str(self): """ Returns: str: eval \'{_to_bash_function()}\' """ return """eval \'\n{cmdstr}\n\';""".format( cmdstr=self.to_bash_function())
__str__ = to_shell_str ####################################### # def build_*_env(env=None, **kwargs): # return env #######################################
[docs]class Step(object): """ A build task step which builds or transforms an :py:mod:`Env`, by calling ``, **step.conf)`` """ def __init__(self, func=None, **kwargs): """ Keyword Arguments: func (callable): ``function(env=None, **kwargs)`` name (str): a name for the step conf (dict): a configuration dict (instead of kwargs) for this step """ if not func: func = self.DEFAULT_FUNC self.func = func self._name = kwargs.get('name') = func # remove env from the conf dict # XXX kwargs.pop('env', None) # conf = kwargs if conf=None self.conf = kwargs.get('conf', kwargs) def _get_name(self): """ Returns: str: a name for this Step """ if self._name is not None: return self._name return getattr(self.func, 'func_name', repr(self.func)) @property
[docs] def name(self): """ Returns: str: a name for this Step """ return self._get_name()
@name.setter def __set_name(self, name): self._name = name def _iteritems(self): """ Yields: tuple: ('attrname', obj) """ yield ('name', yield ('func', self.func) yield ('conf', self.conf)
[docs] def asdict(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict: OrderedDict(self._iteritems()) """ return OrderedDict(self._iteritems())
[docs] def build_print_kwargs_env(self, env=None, **kwargs): """ Default ``build_*_env`` Step.func function to print ``env`` Keyword Arguments: env (:py:mod:`Env`): Env object (default: None) kwargs (dict): kwargs dict Returns: :py:mod:`Env`: updated Env """ if env is None: env = Env() else: # Note: StepBuilder also does env.copy before each step # making this unnecessary for many build_*_env functions env = env.copy() env['kwargs'] = kwargs output = env.to_json() logevent('build_print_kwargs_env', comment_comment(output)) env.pop('kwargs', None) return env
DEFAULT_FUNC = build_print_kwargs_env func = DEFAULT_FUNC
[docs] def build(self, env=None, **kwargs): """ Call ``self.func(env=env, **self.conf.copy().update(**kwargs))`` Keyword Arguments: env (Env): Env object (default: None) kwargs (dict): kwargs dict Returns: obj: ``self.func(env=env, **self.conf.copy().update(**kwargs))`` """ conf = self.conf.copy() conf.update(kwargs) # TODO: verbose merge return self.func(env=env, **conf)
[docs]class PrintEnvStep(Step): """ Print env and kwargs to stdout """ _name = 'print_env' stdout = sys.stdout stderr = sys.stderr func = Step.build_print_kwargs_env
[docs]class PrintEnvStderrStep(PrintEnvStep): """ Print env and kwargs to stderr """ _name = 'print_env_stderr' stdout = sys.stderr
[docs]class StepBuilder(object): """ A class for building a sequence of steps which modify env """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # conf=None, steps=None, show_diffs=False, debug=False """ Keyword Argumentss: conf (dict): initial configuration dict show_diffs and debug overwrite steps (list): initial list of Step() instances (default: None) show_diffs (bool): show diffs of Envs between steps debug (bool): show debugging output """ self.steps = kwargs.pop("steps", list()) self.conf = kwargs.get('conf', OrderedDict()) self.conf["show_diffs"] = kwargs.get('show_diffs', self.conf.get('show_diffs')) self.conf["debug"] = kwargs.get('debug', self.conf.get('debug')) @property
[docs] def debug(self): """ Returns: str: self.conf.get('debug') """ return self.conf.get('debug')
[docs] def show_diffs(self): """ Returns: str: self.conf.get('show_diffs') """ return self.conf.get('show_diffs')
[docs] def add_step(self, func, **kwargs): """ Add a step to ``self.steps`` Args: func (Step or function or str): func(env=None, **kwargs) kwargs (dict): kwargs for Step.conf Keyword Arguments: name (str): function name (default: None) Returns: :py:mod:`Step`: Step object appended to self.steps """ if isinstance(func, Step): step = func(**kwargs) elif isinstance(func, STR_TYPES): step = PrintEnvStep(name=func) elif callable(func): step = Step(func, name=kwargs.get('name'), conf=kwargs) else: raise StepConfigException({ 'func': func, 'msg': 'func must be a (Step, STR_TYPES, callable)'}) self.steps.append(step) return step
[docs] def build_iter(self, env=None, show_diffs=True, debug=False): """ Build a generator of (Step, Env) tuples from the functional composition of StepBuilder.steps given an initial :py:mod:`Env` (or None). .. code:: python # pseudocode env_previous = Env() for step in self.steps: (step, env) =,**conf) env_previous=env Keyword Arguments: env (Env): initial Env (default: None) show_diffs (bool): show difflib.ndiffs of Envs between steps debug (bool): Yields: tuple: (:py:mod:`Step`, :py:mod:`Env`) """ if env: env0 = env env = env0.copy() else: env = Env() yield (PrintEnvStep('env0'), env) output = sys.stdout # log = global log for step in self.steps: logevent('NEW_STEP'," %s " %, 79, '#')) logevent('buildconf', self.conf, wrap=True) logevent('step.conf', step.conf, wrap=True) logevent('prevenv', env, wrap=True) env = env.copy() conf = self.conf.copy() conf.update(**step.conf) new_env =, **conf) logevent('new_env', new_env, wrap=True) if isinstance(new_env, Env): logevent('NEW_ENV', new_env) if self.show_diffs and env: diff_output = env.ndiff(new_env) logevent('<diff>', for line in diff_output: logevent('diff', line.rstrip()) logevent('</diff>', yield (step, new_env) env = new_env else: logevent("# %r returned %r which is not an Env" % (, new_env)) logevent('stepdict', step.__dict__, wrap=True)
[docs] def build(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Build a list of Envs from ``self.build_iter(*args, **kwargs)`` and return the last Env. Keyword Arguments: debug (bool): log.debug(env) Returns: Env or None: the last env returned from ``.build_iter`` """ debug = kwargs.get('debug', self.debug) step_envs = [] for env in self.build_iter(*args, **kwargs): step_envs.append(env) if debug: log.debug(env) if step_envs: return step_envs[-1] else: return None #return step_envs ## Build everything
[docs]def lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=None): """ Args: kwargs (dict): kwargs dict env (Env): :py:mod:`Env` dict attr (str): attribute name default (obj): default value to return if not found in kwargs or env Returns: obj: kwargs.get(attr, env.get(attr, default)) """ return kwargs.get(attr, env.get(attr, default))
[docs]def build_dotfiles_env(env=None, **kwargs): """ Configure dotfiles base environment (HOME, __WRK, __SRC, __DOTFILES) Keyword Arguments: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` HOME (str): home path (``$HOME``, ``~``) __WRK (str): workspace path (``$__WRK``, ``~/-wrk``) __SRC (str): path to source repos (``$__WRK/-src``) __DOTFILES (str): current dotfiles path (``~/-dotfiles``) Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` Sets: * HOME * __WRK * __SRC * __DOTFILES """ if env is None: env = Env() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) env['HOME'] = lookup('HOME', default=os.path.expanduser('~')) env['__WRK'] = lookup('__WRK', default=get___WRK_default(env)) env['__SRC'] = lookup('__SRC', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-src')) env['__DOTFILES'] = lookup('__DOTFILES', default=joinpath(env['HOME'], '-dotfiles')) return env # DEFAULT_WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT (str): variable holding path to WORKON_HOME
[docs]def build_virtualenvwrapper_env(env=None, **kwargs): """ Set WORKON_HOME to WORKON_HOME or WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT Keyword Arguments: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` __WRK (str): workspace path (``$__WRK``, ``~/-wrk``) WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT (str): variable name (default: ``WORKON_HOME__py27``) WORKON_HOME__* (str): path to a WORKON_HOME set Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` Sets: * WORKON_HOME__py27='${__WRK}/-ve27' * WORKON_HOME__py34='${__WRK}/-ve34' * WORKON_HOME__*=kwargs.get(WORKON_HOME__*) * WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT='WORKON_HOME_py27' """ if env is None: env = Env() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) env['__WRK'] = lookup('__WRK', default=get___WRK_default(env=env)) env['PROJECT_HOME'] = lookup('PROJECT_HOME', default=env['__WRK']) # cdprojecthome cdph #env['PYTHON27_ROOT'] = joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-python27') env['WORKON_HOME__py27'] = lookup('WORKON_HOME__py27', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-ve27')) #env['PYTHON34_ROOT'] = joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-python34') env['WORKON_HOME__py34'] = lookup('WORKON_HOME__py34', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-ve34')) for key in kwargs: if key.startswith("WORKON_HOME__"): env[key] = kwargs.get(key) env['WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT'] = lookup('WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT', default=DEFAULT_WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT) env['WORKON_HOME'] = lookup('WORKON_HOME', default=env[env['WORKON_HOME_DEFAULT']]) # cdworkonhome cdwh return env
[docs]def build_conda_env(env=None, **kwargs): """ Configure conda27 (2.7) and conda (3.4) with condaenvs in ``-wrk/-ce27`` and ``-wrk/ce34``. Other Parameters: __WRK (str): workspace root (``$__WRK``, ``~/-wrk``) CONDA_ROOT__py27 (str): path to conda27 root environment CONDA_HOME__py27 (str): path to conda27 envs (e.g. WORKON_HOME) CONDA_ROOT__py34 (str): path to conda34 root environment CONDA_HOME__py34 (str): path to conda34 envs (e.g. WORKON_HOME) Keyword Arguments: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` """ if env is None: env = Env() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) env['__WRK'] = lookup('__WRK', default=get___WRK_default(env=env)) # get default env paths confs = [ dict( env_prefix="CONDA", env_suffix="27", env_root_prefix="-conda", env_home_prefix="-ce", ), dict( env_prefix="CONDA", env_suffix="34", env_root_prefix="-conda", env_home_prefix="-ce", )] for conf in confs: # CONDA27 env_name = "{env_prefix}{env_suffix}".format(**conf) # -conda27 env_root = "{env_root_prefix}{env_suffix}".format(**conf) # -ce27 env_home = "{env_home_prefix}{env_suffix}".format(**conf) root_key = "{env_name}_ROOT".format(env_name=env_name) home_key = "{env_name}_HOME".format(env_name=env_name) env[root_key] = (kwargs.get(root_key, env.get(root_key)) or joinpath(env['__WRK'], env_root)) env[home_key] = (kwargs.get(home_key, env.get(home_key)) or joinpath(env['__WRK'], env_home)) return env
[docs]def build_conda_cfg_env(env=None, **kwargs): """ Configure conda for a specific environment TODO build_venv_config Args: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` """ if env is None: env = Env() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) env['__WRK'] = lookup('__WRK', default=get___WRK_default(env=env)) env['CONDA_ROOT__py27'] = lookup('CONDA_ROOT__py27', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-conda27')) env['CONDA_HOME__py27'] = lookup('CONDA_HOME__py27', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-ce27')) env['CONDA_ROOT__py34'] = lookup('CONDA_ROOT__py34', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-conda34')) env['CONDA_HOME__py34'] = lookup('CONDA_HOME__py27', default=joinpath(env['__WRK'], '-ce34')) env['CONDA_ROOT_DEFAULT'] = lookup('DEFAULT_CONDA_ROOT', default=DEFAULT_CONDA_ROOT_DEFAULT) env['CONDA_HOME_DEFAULT'] = lookup('DEFAULT_CONDA_ROOT', default=DEFAULT_CONDA_HOME_DEFAULT) env['CONDA_ROOT'] = lookup('CONDA_ROOT', default=env[env['CONDA_ROOT_DEFAULT']]) env['CONDA_HOME'] = lookup('CONDA_HOME', default=env[env['CONDA_HOME_DEFAULT']]) return env
[docs]def build_venv_paths_full_env(env=None, pyver=None, **kwargs): """ Set variables for standard paths in the environment Keyword Args: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` (default: None (Env())) VENVPREFIX (str): venv prefix path (default: None (VIRTUAL_ENV)) VENVSTR (str): name of a VIRTUAL_ENV in WORKON_HOME or path to a VIRTUAL_ENV (default: None) VIRTUAL_ENV (str): path to a VIRTUAL_ENV (default: None) Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` Raises: StepConfigException: When not any(( VIRTUAL_ENV, VENVPREFIX, VENVSTR, VENVSTRAPP)) References: - - """ if env is None: env = Env() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) if pyver is None: pyver = get_pyver(pyver) env['VENVPREFIX'] = lookup('VENVPREFIX') env['VENVSTR'] = lookup('VENVSTR') env['VENVSTRAPP'] = lookup('VENVSTRAPP') env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = lookup('VIRTUAL_ENV') VENVSTR = env.get('VENVSTR') if VENVSTR is not None: env = Venv.parse_VENVSTR(env=env, pyver=pyver, **kwargs) VIRTUAL_ENV = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV') VENVPREFIX = env.get('VENVPREFIX') if VENVPREFIX in (None, False): if VIRTUAL_ENV is not None: VENVPREFIX = VIRTUAL_ENV env['VENVPREFIX'] = VIRTUAL_ENV else: errmsg = ( {'msg': 'VENVPREFIX or VIRTUAL_ENV must be specified', 'env': env.to_json(indent=2), #'envstr': str(env), }) logevent('TODOlogname', errmsg) raise StepConfigException(errmsg) env['_BIN'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "bin") # ./bin env['_ETC'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "etc") # ./etc env['_ETCOPT'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "etc", "opt") # ./etc/opt env['_HOME'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "home") # ./home env['_LIB'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "lib") # ./lib env['_PYLIB'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "lib", # ./lib/pythonN.N pyver) env['_PYSITE'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, # ./lib/pythonN.N/site-packages "lib", pyver, 'site-packages') env['_MNT'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "mnt") # ./mnt env['_MEDIA'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "media") # ./media env['_OPT'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "opt") # ./opt env['_ROOT'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "root") # ./root env['_SBIN'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "sbin") # ./sbin env['_SRC'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "src") # ./src env['_SRV'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "srv") # ./srv env['_TMP'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "tmp") # ./tmp env['_USR'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr") # ./usr env['_USRBIN'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","bin") # ./usr/bin env['_USRINCLUDE'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","include") # ./usr/include env['_USRLIB'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","lib") # ./usr/lib env['_USRLOCAL'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","local") # ./usr/local env['_USRSBIN'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","sbin") # ./usr/sbin env['_USRSHARE'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","share") # ./usr/share env['_USRSRC'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "usr","src") # ./usr/src env['_VAR'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var") # ./var env['_VARCACHE'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","cache") # ./var/cache env['_VARLIB'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","lib") # ./var/lib env['_VARLOCK'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","lock") # ./var/lock env['_LOG'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","log") # ./var/log env['_VARMAIL'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","mail") # ./var/mail env['_VAROPT'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","opt") # ./var/opt env['_VARRUN'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","run") # ./var/run env['_VARSPOOL'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","spool") # ./var/spool env['_VARTMP'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","tmp") # ./var/tmp env['_WWW'] = joinpath(VENVPREFIX, "var","www") # ./var/www return env
[docs]def build_venv_paths_cdalias_env(env=None, **kwargs): """ Build CdAliases for standard paths Keyword Args: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` with ``.aliases`` extended. .. note:: These do not work in IPython as they run in a subshell. See: :py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_magics`. """ if env is None: env = Env() aliases = env.aliases aliases['cdhome'] = CdAlias('HOME', aliases=['cdh']) aliases['cdwrk'] = CdAlias('__WRK') aliases['cdddotfiles'] = CdAlias('__DOTFILES', aliases=['cdd']) aliases['cdprojecthome'] = CdAlias('PROJECT_HOME', aliases=['cdp', 'cdph']) aliases['cdworkonhome'] = CdAlias('WORKON_HOME', aliases=['cdwh', 'cdve']) aliases['cdcondahome'] = CdAlias('CONDA_HOME', aliases=['cda', 'cdce']) aliases['cdvirtualenv'] = CdAlias('VIRTUAL_ENV', aliases=['cdv']) aliases['cdsrc'] = CdAlias('_SRC', aliases=['cds']) aliases['cdwrd'] = CdAlias('_WRD', aliases=['cdw']) aliases['cdbin'] = CdAlias('_BIN', aliases=['cdb']) aliases['cdetc'] = CdAlias('_ETC', aliases=['cde']) aliases['cdlib'] = CdAlias('_LIB', aliases=['cdl']) aliases['cdlog'] = CdAlias('_LOG') aliases['cdpylib'] = CdAlias('_PYLIB') aliases['cdpysite'] = CdAlias('_PYSITE', aliases=['cdsitepackages']) aliases['cdvar'] = CdAlias('_VAR') aliases['cdwww'] = CdAlias('_WWW', aliases=['cdww']) aliases['cdhelp'] = """set | grep "^cd.*()" | cut -f1 -d" " #%l""" return env
[docs]def build_user_aliases_env(env=None, dont_reflect=False, VIRTUAL_ENV=None, _SRC=None, _ETC=None, _CFG=None, PROJECT_FILES=None, **kwargs): """ Configure env variables and return an OrderedDict of aliases Args: dont_reflect (bool): Whether to always create aliases and functions referencing ``$_WRD`` even if ``$_WRD`` doesn't exist. (default: False) Returns: OrderedDict: dict of aliases """ if env is None: env = Env() aliases = env.aliases if VIRTUAL_ENV is not None: env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = VIRTUAL_ENV if _SRC is not None: env['_SRC'] = _SRC if _ETC is not None: env['_ETC'] = _ETC if _CFG is not None: env['_CFG'] = _CFG if PROJECT_FILES is not None: env['PROJECT_FILES'] = PROJECT_FILES PROJECT_FILES = env.get('PROJECT_FILES', list()) env['PROJECT_FILES'] = PROJECT_FILES VIRTUAL_ENV = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV') if VIRTUAL_ENV is None: VIRTUAL_ENV = "" env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = VIRTUAL_ENV logging.debug('VIRTUAL_ENV is none') # raise Exception() VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', VIRTUAL_ENV.split(os.path.sep)[0]) _SRC = env.get('_SRC') if _SRC is None: if VIRTUAL_ENV: _SRC = joinpath(env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'src') else: _SRC = "" env['_SRC'] = _SRC _ETC = env.get('_ETC') if _ETC is None: if VIRTUAL_ENV: _ETC = joinpath(env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'src') else: _ETC = '/etc' env['_ETC'] = _ETC _APP = env.get('_APP') if _APP is None: if VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME: _APP = VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME else: _APP = '' env['_APP'] = _APP _WRD = env.get('_WRD') if _WRD is None: if _SRC: if _APP: _WRD = joinpath(env['_SRC'], env['_APP']) else: _WRD = env['_SRC'] else: _WRD = "" env['_WRD'] = _WRD # EDITOR configuration env['VIMBIN'] = distutils.spawn.find_executable('vim') env['GVIMBIN'] = distutils.spawn.find_executable('gvim') env['MVIMBIN'] = distutils.spawn.find_executable('mvim') env['GUIVIMBIN'] = env.get('MVIMBIN', env.get('GVIMBIN')) # set the current vim servername to _APP env['VIMCONF'] = "--servername %s" % ( shell_quote(env['_APP']).strip('"')) if not env.get('GUIVIMBIN'): env['_EDIT_'] = "%s -f" % env.get('VIMBIN') else: env['_EDIT_'] = '%s %s --remote-tab-silent' % ( env.get('GUIVIMBIN'), env.get('VIMCONF')) env['EDITOR_'] = env['_EDIT_'] aliases['edit-'] = env['_EDIT_'] aliases['gvim-'] = env['_EDIT_'] # IPYTHON configuration env['_NOTEBOOKS'] = joinpath(env.get('_SRC', env.get('__WRK', env.get('HOME'))), 'notebooks') env['_IPYSESKEY'] = joinpath(env.get('_SRC', env.get('HOME')), '.ipyseskey') if sys.version_info.major == 2: _new_ipnbkey="print os.urandom(128).encode(\\\"base64\\\")" elif sys.version_info.major == 3: _new_ipnbkey="print(os.urandom(128).encode(\\\"base64\\\"))" else: raise KeyError(sys.version_info.major) aliases['ipskey'] = ('(python -c \"' 'import os;' ' {_new_ipnbkey}\"' ' > {_IPYSESKEY} )' ' && chmod 0600 {_IPYSESKEY};' ' # %l' ).format( _new_ipnbkey=_new_ipnbkey, _IPYSESKEY=shell_varquote('_IPYSESKEY')) aliases['ipnb'] = ('ipython notebook' ' --secure' ' --Session.keyfile={_IPYSESKEY}' ' --notebook-dir={_NOTEBOOKS}' ' --deep-reload' ' %l').format( _IPYSESKEY=shell_varquote('_IPYSESKEY'), _NOTEBOOKS=shell_varquote('_NOTEBOOKS')) env['_IPQTLOG'] = joinpath(env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], '.ipqt.log') aliases['ipqt'] = ('ipython qtconsole' ' --secure' ' --Session.keyfile={_IPYSESKEY}' ' --logappend={_IPQTLOG}' ' --deep-reload' #' --gui-completion' #' --existing=${_APP}' ' --pprint' #' --pdb' ' --colors=linux' ' --ConsoleWidget.font_family="Monaco"' ' --ConsoleWidget.font_size=11' ' %l').format( _IPYSESKEY=shell_varquote('_IPYSESKEY'), _APP=shell_varquote('_APP'), _IPQTLOG=shell_varquote('_IPQTLOG')) aliases['grinv'] = 'grin --follow %%l %s' % shell_varquote('VIRTUAL_ENV') aliases['grindv'] = 'grind --follow %%l --dirs %s' % shell_varquote('VIRTUAL_ENV') aliases['grins'] = 'grin --follow %%l %s' % shell_varquote('_SRC') aliases['grinds'] = 'grind --follow %%l --dirs %s' % shell_varquote('_SRC') _WRD = env['_WRD'] if os.path.exists(_WRD) or dont_reflect: env['_WRD'] = _WRD env['_WRD_SETUPY'] = joinpath(_WRD, '') env['_TEST_'] = "(cd {_WRD} && python {_WRD_SETUPY} test)".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD'), _WRD_SETUPY=shell_varquote('_WRD_SETUPY') ) aliases['test-'] = env['_TEST_'] aliases['testr-'] = 'reset && %s' % env['_TEST_'] aliases['nose-'] = '(cd {_WRD} && nosetests)'.format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['grinw'] = 'grin --follow %l {_WRD}'.format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['grin-'] = aliases['grinw'] aliases['grindw'] = 'grind --follow %l --dirs {_WRD}'.format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['grind-'] = aliases['grindw'] aliases['hgv-'] = "hg view -R {_WRD}".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['hgl-'] = "hg -R {_WRD} log".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) else: self.log.error('app working directory %r not found' % _WRD) _CFG = joinpath(env['_ETC'], 'development.ini') if os.path.exists(_CFG) or dont_reflect: env['_CFG'] = _CFG env['_EDITCFG_'] = "{_EDIT_} {_CFG}".format( _EDIT_=env['_EDIT_'], _CFG=env['_CFG']) aliases['editcfg'] = "{_EDITCFG} %l".format( _EDITCFG=shell_varquote('_EDITCFG_')) # Pyramid pshell & pserve (#TODO: test -f (django)) env['_SHELL_'] = "(cd {_WRD} && {_BIN}/pshell {_CFG})".format( _BIN=shell_varquote('_BIN'), _CFG=shell_varquote('_CFG'), _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) env['_SERVE_'] =("(cd {_WRD} && {_BIN}/pserve" " --app-name=main" " --reload" " --monitor-restart {_CFG})").format( _BIN=shell_varquote('_BIN'), _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD'), _CFG=shell_varquote('_CFG')) aliases['serve-'] = env['_SERVE_'] aliases['shell-'] = env['_SHELL_'] else: logging.error('app configuration %r not found' % _CFG) env['_CFG'] = "" aliases['edit-'] = "${_EDIT_} %l" aliases['e'] = aliases['edit-'] env['PROJECT_FILES']= " ".join( str(x) for x in PROJECT_FILES) aliases['editp'] = "$GUIVIMBIN $VIMCONF $PROJECT_FILES %l" aliases['makewrd'] = "(cd {_WRD} && make %l)".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['make-'] = aliases['makewrd'] aliases['mw'] = aliases['makewrd'] _SVCFG = env.get('_SVCFG', joinpath(env['_ETC'], 'supervisord.conf')) if os.path.exists(_SVCFG) or dont_reflect: env['_SVCFG'] = _SVCFG env['_SVCFG_'] = ' -c %s' % shell_quote(env['_SVCFG']) else: logging.error('supervisord configuration %r not found' % _SVCFG) env['_SVCFG_'] = '' aliases['ssv'] = 'supervisord -c "${_SVCFG}"' aliases['sv'] = 'supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}"' aliases['svt'] = 'sv tail -f' aliases['svd'] = ('supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}" restart dev' ' && supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}" tail -f dev') return env
[docs]def build_usrlog_env(env=None, _TERM_ID=None, shell='bash', prefix=None, USER=None, HOSTNAME=None, lookup_hostname=False, **kwargs): """ Build environment variables and configuration like Keyword Args: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` _TERM_ID (str): terminal identifier string shell (str): shell name ("bash", "zsh") prefix (str): a path prefix (e.g. ``$VIRTUAL_ENV`` or ``$PREFIX``) USER (str): system username (``$USER``) for ``HISTTIMEFORMAT`` HOSTNAME (str): system hostname (``HOSTNAME``) for ``HISTTIMEFORMAT`` lookup_hostname (bool): if True, ``HOSTNAME`` is None, and not env.get('HOSTNAME'), try to read ``HOSTNAME`` from ``os.environ`` and then ``socket.gethostname()``. Returns: env (Env dict): :py:class:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env` .. note:: Like ````, when ``HISTTIMEFORMAT`` is set, ``USER`` and ``HOSTNAME`` must be evaluated. (When ``USER`` and ``HOSTNAME`` change, ``HISTTIMEFORMAT`` is not updated, and the .history file will contain only the most recent USER and HOSTNAME settings, which are not necessarily the actual USER and HOSTNAME.) TODO: could/should instead (also) write USER and HOSTNAME to -usrlog.log. """ if env is None: env = Env() env['HOME'] = env.get('HOME', os.path.expanduser('~')) env['__WRK'] = env.get('__WRK', get___WRK_default(env=env)) #env['HOSTNAME'] = HOSTNAME #env['USER'] = USER #HOSTNAME = env.get('HOSTNAME') #if HOSTNAME is None: #if lookup_hostname: #HOSTNAME = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME') #if HOSTNAME is None: #HOSTNAME = __import__('socket').gethostname() #env['HOSTNAME'] = HOSTNAME #env['HISTTIMEFORMAT'] = '%F %T%z {USER} {HOSTNAME} '.format( #USER=env.get('USER','-'), #HOSTNAME=env.get('HOSTNAME','-')) #env['HISTSIZE'] = 1000000 #env['HISTFILESIZE'] = 1000000 # user default usrlog env['__USRLOG'] = joinpath(env['HOME'], '-usrlog.log') # current usrlog if prefix is None: prefix = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV') if prefix is None: prefix = env.get('HOME', os.path.expanduser('~')) env['_USRLOG'] = joinpath(prefix, "-usrlog.log") env['_TERM_ID'] = _TERM_ID or "" #env['_TERM_URI'] = _TERM_ID # TODO # shell HISTFILE #if shell == 'bash': #env['HISTFILE'] = joinpath(prefix, ".bash_history") #elif shell == 'zsh': #env['HISTFILE'] = joinpath(prefix, ".zsh_history") #else: #env['HISTFILE'] = joinpath(prefix, '.history') return env
[docs]def build_venv_activate_env(env=None, VENVSTR=None, VENVSTRAPP=None, from_environ=False, VENVPREFIX=None, VIRTUAL_ENV=None, VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME=None, _APP=None, _SRC=None, _WRD=None, **kwargs): kwargs.update({ 'VENVPREFIX': VENVPREFIX, 'VENVSTR': VENVSTR, 'VENVSTRAPP': VENVSTRAPP, 'from_environ': from_environ, 'VIRTUAL_ENV': VIRTUAL_ENV, 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME': VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME, '_APP': _APP, '_SRC': _SRC, '_WRD': _WRD }) VENVSTR_env = None if VENVSTR: VENVSTR_env = Venv.parse_VENVSTR(env=env, **kwargs) if env is None: env = VENVSTR_env else: if VENVSTR_env: for (key, value) in VENVSTR_env.environ.items(): if env.get(key) != value: env[key] = value log.debug("key override") def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) env['__WRK'] = lookup('__WRK', default=get___WRK_default(env=env)) if VIRTUAL_ENV is not None: env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = VIRTUAL_ENV if VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME is not None: env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'] = VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME if _APP is not None: env['_APP'] = _APP if _SRC is not None: env['_SRC'] = _SRC if _WRD is not None: env['_WRD'] = _WRD VIRTUAL_ENV = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV') if VIRTUAL_ENV is None: return env VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME') if VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME is None: pass if _APP is None: if VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME is not None: _APP = VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME else: _APP = "-" env['_APP'] = _APP _ETC = env.get('_ETC') if _ETC is None: _ETC = joinpath(env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'etc') env['_ETC'] = _ETC _SRC = env.get('_SRC') if _SRC is None: _SRC = joinpath(env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'src') env['_SRC'] = _SRC _WRD = env.get('_WRD') if _WRD is None: _WRD = joinpath(env['_SRC'], env['_APP']) env['_WRD'] = _WRD return env
[docs]class Env(object): """ OrderedDict of variables for/from ``os.environ``. """ osenviron_keys = ( # Comment example paths have a trailing slash, # test and actual paths should not have a trailing slash # from os.path import join as joinpath # editors 'VIMBIN', 'GVIMBIN', 'MVIMBIN', 'GUIVIMBIN', 'VIMCONF', 'EDITOR', 'EDITOR_', 'PAGER', # venv '__WRK', # ~/-wrk/ '__DOTFILES', # virtualenvwrapper 'PROJECT_HOME', # ~/-wrk/ #$__WRK 'WORKON_HOME', # ~/-wrk/-ve27/ # venv 'VENVPREFIX', # ~/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/ # ${VENVPREFIX:-${VIRTUAL_ENV}} 'VENV_STR', # "dotfiles" 'VENV_STR_APP', # "dotfiles" 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', # "dotfiles" '_APP', # dotfiles/tests # virtualenv 'VIRTUAL_ENV', # ~/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/ # ${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME} # venv '_SRC', # ~/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/src/ # ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src '_ETC', # ~/-wrk/-ve27/dotfiles/etc/ # ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc '_BIN', '_CFG', '_LIB', '_LOG', '_MNT', '_OPT', '_PYLIB', '_PYSITE', '_SRV', '_VAR', '_WRD', '_WRD_SETUPY', '_WWW', # dotfiles '__SRC', '__DOCSWWW', # usrlog '_USRLOG', '__USRLOG', '_TERM_ID', '_TERM_URI', ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.environ = OrderedDict(*args, **kwargs) self.aliases = OrderedDict()
[docs] def logevent(self, *args, **kwargs): #kwargs['logger'] = self.log args = list(args) if args[0].startswith('env'): args[0] = 'env-{}:{}'.format( str(hex(id(self)))[1:], args[0][2:]) return logevent(*args, **kwargs)
def __setitem__(self, k, v): self.logevent("env[k]=v", "{}={}".format(k, repr(v))) return self.environ.__setitem__(k, v) def __getitem__(self, k): try: v = self.environ.__getitem__(k) self.logevent("env[k] ", "{}={}".format(k, repr(v))) return v except Exception as e: self.logevent("env[k] ", "{}={}".format(k, e)) raise def __contains__(self, k): return self.environ.__contains__(k) def __iter__(self): return self.environ.__iter__()
[docs] def iteritems(self): yield ('environ', self.environ) yield ('aliases', self.aliases)
[docs] def get(self, k, default=None): return self.environ.get(k, default)
[docs] def copy(self): self.logevent('env.copy', level=logging.DEBUG) return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __eq__(self, env): if isinstance(env, Env): return ((self.environ == env.environ) and ( self.aliases == env.aliases)) elif hasattr(env, 'keys'): return self.environ == env return False @classmethod
[docs] def from_environ(cls, environ, verbose=False): """ Build an ``Env`` from a dict (e.g. ``os.environ``) Args: environ (dict): a dict with variable name keys and values verbose (bool): whether to be verbose about dict merging Returns: Env: an Env environment built from the given environ dict """ logevent('env.from_environ', environ, wrap=True, level=logging.DEBUG) return cls((k, environ.get(k, '')) for k in cls.osenviron_keys)
[docs] def paths_to_variables(self, path_): """ Replace components of a path string with variables configured in this Env. Args: path_ (str): a path string Returns: str: path string containing ``${VARNAME}`` variables """ compress = sorted( ((k, v) for (k, v) in self.environ.items() if isinstance(v, STR_TYPES) and v.startswith('/')), key=lambda v: (len(v[1]), v[0]), reverse=True) for varname, value in compress: _path = path_.replace(value, '${%s}' % varname) return _path
[docs] def to_string_iter(self): yield '## <env>' for name, value in self.environ.items(): yield "{name}={value}".format(name=name, value=repr(value)) yield '## </env>'
def __str__(self): return u'\n'.join(self.to_string_iter()) def __repr__(self): # XXX return repr(self.to_dict()) #"Env: " + repr(str(self))
[docs] def ndiff(self, other_env): """ Args: other_env (Env): env to compare with Returns: iterable: strings from difflib.ndiff """ if not hasattr(other_env, 'to_string_iter'): raise AttributeError('can only compare envs with envs') return difflib.unified_diff( list(self.to_string_iter()), list(other_env.to_string_iter()))
[docs] def to_dict(self): return OrderedDict(self.iteritems())
[docs] def to_json(self, *args, **kwargs): return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), *args, cls=VenvJSONEncoder, **kwargs)
[docs]def shell_quote(var): """ Escape single quotes and add double quotes around a given variable. Args: _str (str): string to add quotes to Returns: str: string wrapped in quotes .. warning:: This is not safe for untrusted input and only valid in this context (``os.environ``). """ _repr = repr(var) if _repr.startswith('\''): return "\"%s\"" % _repr[1:-1]
[docs]def shell_varquote(str_): """ Add doublequotes and shell variable brackets to a string Args: str_ (str): string to varquote (e.g. ``VIRTUAL_ENV``) Returns: str: "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" """ return shell_quote('${%s}' % str_)
def _get_shell_version(): """ Returns: tuple: (shell_namestr, versionstr) of the current ``$SHELL`` """ shell = os.environ.get('SHELL') if not shell: raise Exception('SHELL is not set') output = subprocess.check_output( (shell, '--version')).split('\n', 1)[0] if output.startswith('GNU bash, version '): verstr = output.lstrip('GNU bash, version ') return ('bash', verstr) if output.startswith('zsh '): return output.split(' ', 1) def _shell_supports_declare_g(): """ Returns: bool: True only if the ``$SHELL`` is known to support ``declare -g`` """ # NOTE: OSX still has bash 3.2, which does not support '-g' shell, verstr = _get_shell_version() if shell == 'zsh': return True if shell == 'bash': if verstr.startswith('4'): return True return False
[docs]class Venv(object): """ A virtual environment configuration generator """ def __init__(self, VENVSTR=None, VENVSTRAPP=None, __WRK=None, __DOTFILES=None, WORKON_HOME=None, VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME=None, VENVPREFIX=None, VIRTUAL_ENV=None, _SRC=None, _APP=None, _WRD=None, env=None, from_environ=False, open_editors=False, open_terminals=False, dont_reflect=True, debug=False, show_diffs=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new Venv from a default configuration Keyword Arguments: env (Env): initial Env VENVSTR (str): VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME ('dotfiles') or VIRTUAL_ENV ('$WORKON_HOME/dotfiles') VENVSTRAPP (str): _APP ('dotfiles', 'dotfiles/etc/bash') __WRK (str): None (~/-wrk) OR path to a workspace root containing one or more ``WORKON_HOME`` directories .. code:: bash test $__WRK == echo "${HOME}/-wrk" cdwrk __DOTFILES (str): None or path to dotfiles symlink .. code:: bash test "${__DOTFILES}" == "~/-dotfiles" cddotfiles ; cdd WORKON_HOME (str): path to a ``WORKON_HOME`` directory containing zero or more 'VIRTUAL_ENV`` directories .. code:: bash test $WORKON_HOME == echo "${__WRK}/-ve27" cdworkonhome ; cdwh VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME (str): None or a string path component .. code:: bash test "$VIRTUAL_ENV" == "${WORKON_HOME}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME}" cdvirtualenv ; cdv .. note:: if None (not specified), ``VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME`` defaults to the basename of ``$VIRTUAL_ENV`` or what is in ``os.environ``, if ``from_environ`` is True) VENVPREFIX (str): for when VIRTUAL_ENV is not set {/,~,~/-wrk} some paths may not make sense with PREFIX=/. #TODO: list sensible defaults # the issue here is whether to raise an error when VENVSTR or VIRTUAL_ENV are not specified. VIRTUAL_ENV (str): None, a path to a virtualenv, or the basename of a virtualenv in ``$WORKON_HOME`` .. code:: bash test "$VIRTUAL_ENV" == "${WORKON_HOME}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME}" cdvirtualenv ; cdv .. note:: if not specified, ``$_APP`` defaults to the basename of ``$VIRTUAL_ENV`` (or what is in os.environ, if ``from_environ`` is True) _SRC (str): None or a string path component .. code:: bash test "$_SRC" == "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src" cdsrc ; cds _APP (str): None or a string path component .. code:: bash test "${_SRC}/${_APP}" == "${_WRD}" cdwrd ; cdw .. note:: if not specified, ``$_APP`` defaults to the basename of ``$VIRTUAL_ENV`` (or what is in os.environ, if ``from_environ`` is True) _WRD (str): None or path to working directory .. code:: bash test "${_SRC}/${_APP}" == "${_WRD}" cdwrd ; cdw env (Env): an initial Env with zero or more values for self.env (default: None) from_environ (bool): read self.env from ``os.environ`` (default: False) open_editors (bool): Open an editor with Venv.project_files (default: False) open_terminals (bool): Open terminals for the Venv (default: False) dont_reflect (bool): Always create aliases and functions referencing ``$_WRD`` even if ``$_WRD`` doesn't exist. (default: True) Raises: Exception: if both ``env`` and ``from_environ=True`` are specified Exception: if VIRTUAL_ENV is not specified or incalculable from the given combination of ``virtualenv`` and ``from_environ`` arguments """ if from_environ: if env is None: env = Env.from_environ(os.environ) else: raise Exception("both 'env' and 'from_environ=True' were specified") if env is None: env = Env() keys = [ 'VENVSTR', 'VENVSTRAPP', '__WRK', '__DOTFILES', 'WORKON_HOME', 'VIRTUAL_ENV', 'VENVPREFIX', '_APP', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', '_SRC', '_WRD'] kwargs = OrderedDict() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) _SENTINEL = None _vars = vars() for key in keys: value = _vars.get(key, _SENTINEL) if value is not _SENTINEL: kwargs[key] = value env[key] = lookup(key) VENVSTR = env['VENVSTR'] = lookup('VENVSTR') if VENVSTR: env = Venv.parse_VENVSTR(env=env, from_environ=from_environ, **kwargs) self.env = env built_envs =, from_environ=from_environ, dont_reflect=dont_reflect, debug=debug, show_diffs=show_diffs) if not built_envs: raise ConfigException(built_envs) self.env = built_envs[-1] if open_editors: self.open_editors() if open_terminals: self.open_terminals()
[docs] def build(self, env=None, VENVSTR=None, VENVSTRAPP=None, VENVPREFIX=None, from_environ=False, dont_reflect=True, debug=False, show_diffs=False, ): """ Build Venv Steps with StepBuilder """ conf = OrderedDict() if VENVSTR is not None: conf['VENVSTR'] = VENVSTR if VENVSTRAPP is not None: conf['VENVSTRAPP'] = VENVSTRAP if VENVPREFIX is not None: conf['VENVPREFIX'] = VENVPREFIX conf.update({ 'from_environ': from_environ, 'dont_reflect': dont_reflect, 'debug': debug, 'show_diffs': show_diffs, }) builder = StepBuilder(conf=conf) builder.add_step(PrintEnvStderrStep) builder.add_step(build_dotfiles_env) builder.add_step(build_virtualenvwrapper_env) builder.add_step(build_venv_activate_env) builder.add_step(build_conda_env) builder.add_step(build_conda_cfg_env) builder.add_step(build_venv_activate_env) builder.add_step(build_venv_paths_full_env) builder.add_step(build_venv_paths_cdalias_env) builder.add_step(build_user_aliases_env) builder.add_step(build_usrlog_env) logevent('', dict(env=env, conf=conf), wrap=True, level=logging.DEBUG) new_env = #logevent('', dict(env=env, conf=conf), wrap=True, level=logging.INFO) return new_env
[docs] def parse_VENVSTR(env=None, VENVSTR=None, VENVSTRAPP=None, VENVPREFIX=None, VIRTUAL_ENV=None, VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME=None, _APP=None, _SRC=None, _WRD=None, __WRK=None, WORKON_HOME=None, from_environ=False, **kwargs): """ Get the path to a virtualenv given a ``VENVSTR`` Keyword Arguments: env (Env): VENVSTR (str): a path to a virtualenv containing ``/`` OR just the name of a virtualenv in ``$WORKON_HOME`` VENVSTRAPP (str): VENVPREFIX (str): WORKON_HOME (str): from_environ (bool): whether to try and read from ``os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"]`` Returns: str: a path to a virtualenv (for ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``) """ _vars = vars() keys = [ 'VENVSTR', 'VENVSTRAPP', 'VENVPREFIX', 'VIRTUAL_ENV', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', '_APP', '_SRC', '_WRD', 'WORKON_HOME', '__WRK', ] SENTINEL = None for key in keys: value = _vars.get(key, SENTINEL) if value is not SENTINEL: kwargs[key] = value if from_environ is True: if VENVSTR or VENVSTRAPP or VENVPREFIX: raise ConfigException( "from_environ=True cannot be specified with any of " "[VENVSTR, VENVSTRAPP, VENVPREFIX]") env = Env.from_environ(os.environ) else: if env is None: env = Env() def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) logevent('parse_VENVSTR_input', {'kwargs': kwargs, 'env': env}) VIRTUAL_ENV = env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = lookup('VIRTUAL_ENV') WORKON_HOME = env['WORKON_HOME'] = lookup('WORKON_HOME', default=get_WORKON_HOME_default()) if WORKON_HOME is None: WORKON_HOME = env['WORKON_HOME'] = get_WORKON_HOME_default() _APP = env['_APP'] = lookup('_APP') VENVSTR = lookup('VENVSTR') if VENVSTR is not None: env['VENVSTR'] = VENVSTR VENVSTRAPP = env['VENVSTRAPP'] = lookup('VENVSTRAPP') VENVPREFIX = env['VENVPREFIX'] = lookup('VENVPREFIX') if VENVSTR is not None: if '/' not in VENVSTR: VIRTUAL_ENV = joinpath(WORKON_HOME, VENVSTR) else: VIRTUAL_ENV = os.path.abspath(VENVSTR) env['VENVSTR'] = VENVSTR env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = VIRTUAL_ENV env['VENVPREFIX'] = VENVPREFIX = VIRTUAL_ENV if VENVSTRAPP is not None: VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME = VENVSTRAPP.split(os.path.sep)[0] _APP = VENVSTRAPP else: if VIRTUAL_ENV: VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME = os.path.basename(VIRTUAL_ENV) else: VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME = VENVSTR _APP = VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME VENVSTRAPP = _APP env['VENVSTRAPP'] = VENVSTRAPP env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'] = VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME env['_APP'] = _APP logevent('parse_VENVSTR_output', {'env': env, 'kwargs': kwargs, }) #import ipdb #ipdb.set_trace() return env
[docs] def aliases(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict: self.env.aliases """ return self.env.aliases
@staticmethod def _configure_sys(env=None, from_environ=False, pyver=None): """ Configure ``sys.path`` with the given :py:mod:`Env`, or from ``os.environ``. Args: env (Env): Env to configure sys.path according to (default: None) from_environ (bool): whether to read Env from ``os.environ`` (default: False) pyver (str): "python2.7" "python3.4" defaults to ``sys.platform`` .. note:: This method adds ``/usr/local/python.ver.ver/dist-packages/IPython/extensions`` to ``sys.path`` Why? When working in a virtualenv which does not have an additional local copy of IPython installed, the lack of an extensions path was causing errors in regards to missing extensions. If the path does not exist, it will not be added. """ if from_environ: env = Env.from_environ(os.environ) if pyver is None: pyver = get_pyver() env['_PYLIB'] = joinpath(env['_LIB'], pyver) env['_PYSITE'] = joinpath(env['_PYLIB'], 'site-packages') # emulate virtualenv check for no-global-site-packages.txt no_global_site_packages = joinpath( env('_PYLIB'), 'no-global-site-packages.txt') if not os.path.exists(no_global_site_packages): sys_libdir = joinpath("/usr/lib", pyver) # XXX: **OVERWRITE** sys.path sys.path = [joinpath(sys_libdir, p) for p in ( "", "plat-linux2", "lib-tk", "lib-dynload")] # XXX: append /usr/local/lib/{pyver}/IPython/extensions # TODO? ipython_extensions = ( '/usr/local/lib/%s/dist-packages/IPython/extensions' % pyver) if not os.path.exists(ipython_extensions):"IPython extensions not found: %r", ipython_extensions) if ipython_extensions not in sys.path: sys.path.append(ipython_extensions) # optimize_python_path(sys.path) site.addsitedir(env['_PYSITE']) return env
[docs] def configure_sys(self): """ Returns: list: ``sys.path`` list from ``_configure_sys``. """ return Venv._configure_sys(self.env)
[docs] def workon_project(cls, VENVSTR, **kwargs): """ Args: VENVSTR (str): a path to a virtualenv containing ``/`` OR just the name of a virtualenv in ``$WORKON_HOME`` kwargs (dict): kwargs to pass to Venv (see ``Venv.__init__``) Returns: Venv: an intialized ``Venv`` """ return cls(VENVSTR=VENVSTR, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _configure_ipython(c=None, platform=None, sympyprinting=False, parallelmagic=False, storemagic=True, storemagic_autorestore=False, autoreload=True, deep_reload=True, venvaliases=True, usrlog=True, setup_func=None): """ Configure IPython with ``autoreload=True``, ``deep_reload=True``, the **storemagic** extension, the **parallelmagic** extension if ``import zmq`` succeeds, and ``DEFAULT_ALIASES`` (``cd`` aliases are not currently working). Args: c (object): An IPython configuration object (``get_ipython()``) platform (str): platform string (``uname``: {'Linux', 'Darwin'}) .. note:: If ``None``, ``platform`` is necessarily autodetected so that ``ps`` and ``ls`` aliases work with syntax coloring and Linux and OSX BSD coreutils. setup_func (function): a function to call with config as the first positional argument, **after** default configuration (default: ``None``) References: * * """ if c is None: if not in_ipython_config(): # skip IPython configuration log.error("not in_ipython_config") return else: c = get_config() c.InteractiveShellApp.ignore_old_config = True c.InteractiveShellApp.log_level = 20 # TODO: c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append? c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = [ # 'autoreload', ] if sympyprinting: try: import sympy c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('sympyprinting') except ImportError, e: pass if parallelmagic: try: import zmq zmq c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('parallelmagic') except ImportError: pass c.InteractiveShell.autoreload = autoreload c.InteractiveShell.deep_reload = deep_reload if storemagic: # %store [name] c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('storemagic') c.StoreMagic.autorestore = storemagic_autorestore if venvaliases: ipython_default_aliases = get_IPYTHON_ALIAS_DEFAULTS(platform=platform).items() c.AliasManager.default_aliases.extend(ipython_default_aliases) ipython_alias_overlay = get_IPYTHON_ALIAS_OVERLAY() c.AliasManager.default_aliases.extend(ipython_alias_overlay) if usrlog: # TODO: if kwargs.get('_USRLOG', kwargs.get('__USRLOG')) usrlog_alias_overlay = get_USRLOG_ALIAS_OVERLAY() c.AliasManager.default_aliases.extend(usrlog_alias_overlay) output = c if setup_func: output = setup_func(c) return output
[docs] def configure_ipython(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Configure IPython with ``Venv._configure_ipython`` and ``user_aliases`` from ``self.aliases.items()``. Args: args (list): args for ``Venv._configure_ipython`` kwargs (dict): kwargs for ``Venv._configure_ipython``. """ def setup_func(c): c.AliasManager.user_aliases = [ (k,v) for (k,v) in self.env.aliases.items() if not k.startswith('cd')] return Venv._configure_ipython(*args, setup_func=setup_func, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_vars_env(self): """ Generate a string containing VARIABLE='./value' """ for block in self.env.to_string_iter(): yield block
[docs] def generate_bash_env(self): """ Generate a ``source``-able script for the environment variables, aliases, and functions defined by the current ``Venv``. Yields: str: block of bash script """ for k, v in self.env.environ.items(): yield "export {VAR}={value}".format(VAR=k, value=repr(v)) # TODO: XXX: # if _shell_supports_declare_g(): # yield "declare -grx %s=%r" % (k, v) # else: # yield "export %s=%r" % (k, v # yield("declare -r %k" % k, file=output) for k, v in self.env.aliases.items(): bash_alias = None if hasattr(v, 'to_shell_str'): bash_alias = v.to_shell_str() else: _alias = IpyAlias(v, k) bash_alias = _alias.to_shell_str() yield bash_alias
[docs] def generate_vim_env(self): """ Generate a ``source``-able vimscript for vim Yields: str: block of vim script """ yield CdAlias.VIM_HEADER_TEMPLATE #for k, v in self.env.items(): # yield ("export %s=%r" % (k, v)) for k, v in self.env.aliases.items(): if hasattr(v, 'to_vim_function'): yield v.to_vim_function()
[docs] def project_files(self): return self._project_files()
def _project_files(self, extension='.rst'): """ Default list of project files for ``_EDITCMD_``. Returns: list: list of paths relative to ``$_WRD``. """ default_project_files = ( 'README{}'.format(extension), 'CHANGELOG{}'.format(extension), 'Makefile', '', 'requirements.txt', '.git/config', '.gitignore', '.hg/hgrc', '.hgignore', '', '.', 'docs', ) return default_project_files @property
[docs] def PROJECT_FILES(self): PROJECT_FILES = ' '.join( shell_quote(joinpath(self.env['_WRD'], fpath)) for fpath in (self.project_files)) return PROJECT_FILES
@property def _edit_project_cmd(self): """ Command to edit ``self.project_files`` Returns: str: ``$_EDIT_`` ``self.project_files`` """ return "%s %s" % (self.env['_EDIT_'], self.PROJECT_FILES) @property def _terminal_cmd(self): """ Command to open a terminal Returns: str: env.get('TERMINAL') or ``/usr/bin/gnome-terminal`` """ # TODO: add return self.env.get('TERMINAL', '/usr/bin/gnome-terminal') @property def _open_terminals_cmd(self): """ Command to open ``self._terminal_cmd`` with a list of initial named terminals. """ # TODO: add (man cmd = ( self._terminal_cmd, '--working-directory', self.env['_WRD'], '--tab', '--title', '%s: bash' % self.env['_APP'], '--command', 'bash', '--tab', '--title', '%s: serve' % self.env['_APP'], '--command', "bash -c 'we %s %s'; bash" % ( self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], self.env['_APP']), # '--tab', '--title', '%s: shell' % self.env['_APP'], '--command', "bash -c %r; bash" % self.env['_SHELL_'] ) return cmd
[docs] def system(self, cmd=None): """ Call ``os.system`` with the given command string Args: cmd (string): command string to call ``os.system`` with Raises: Exception: if ``cmd`` is None NotImplementedError: if ``cmd`` is a tuple """ if cmd is None: raise Exception() if isinstance(cmd, (tuple, list)): _cmd = ' '.join(cmd) # TODO: (subprocess.Popen) raise NotImplementedError() elif isinstance(cmd, (str,)): _cmd = cmd return os.system(_cmd)
[docs] def open_editors(self): """ Run ``self._edit_project_cmd`` """ cmd = self._edit_project_cmd return self.system(cmd=cmd)
[docs] def open_terminals(self): """ Run ``self._open_terminals_cmd`` """ cmd = self._open_terminals_cmd return self.system(cmd=cmd)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict: OrderedDict(env=self.env, aliases=self.aliases) """ return OrderedDict( env=self.env, aliases=self.aliases, )
[docs] def to_json(self, indent=None): """ Args: indent (int): number of spaces with which to indent JSON output Returns: str: json.dumps(self.to_dict()) """ return json.dumps(self, indent=indent, cls=VenvJSONEncoder)
[docs] def update_os_environ(venv, environ=None): """ Update os.environ for the given venv Args: environ (dict): if None, defaults to os.environ Returns: dict: updated environ dict """ environ = environ or os.environ environ.update((k, str(v)) for (k, v) in venv.env.environ.items()) return environ
[docs] def call(self, command): """ Args: command (str): command to run Returns: str: output from """ env = self.update_os_environ(self, os.environ) VENVPREFIX = self.env.get('VENVPREFIX', self.env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV', None)) if VENVPREFIX is None: raise ConfigException("VENVPREFIX is None") config = { 'command': command, 'shell': True, #'env': env, 'VENVPREFIX': VENVPREFIX, 'cwd': VENVPREFIX} logevent('', config, level=logging.INFO) config.pop('command') config.pop('VENVPREFIX') return + "", **config)
[docs]def get_IPYTHON_ALIAS_DEFAULTS(platform=None): if platform is None: platform = sys.platform IS_DARWIN = platform == 'darwin' LS_COLOR_AUTO = "--color=auto" if IS_DARWIN: LS_COLOR_AUTO = "-G" PSX_COMMAND = 'ps uxaw' PSF_COMMAND = 'ps uxawf' PS_SORT_CPU = '--sort=-pcpu' PS_SORT_MEM = '--sort=-pmem' if IS_DARWIN: PSX_COMMAND = 'ps uxaw' PSF_COMMAND = 'ps uxaw' PS_SORT_CPU = '-c' PS_SORT_MEM = '-m' DEFAULT_ALIASES = OrderedDict(( ('cp', 'cp'), ('bash', 'bash'), ('cat', 'cat'), ('chmodr', 'chmod -R'), ('chownr', 'chown -R'), ('egrep', 'egrep --color=auto'), ('fgrep', 'fgrep --color=auto'), ('git', 'git'), ('ga', 'git add'), ('gd', 'git diff'), ('gdc', 'git diff --cached'), ('gs', 'git status'), ('gl', 'git log'), ('grep', 'grep --color=auto'), ('grin', 'grin'), ('grind', 'grind'), ('grinpath', 'grin --sys-path'), ('grindpath', 'grind --sys-path'), ('grunt', 'grunt'), ('gvim', 'gvim'), ('head', 'head'), ('hg', 'hg'), ('hgl', 'hg log -l10'), ('hgs', 'hg status'), ('htop', 'htop'), ('ifconfig', 'ifconfig'), ('ip', 'ip'), ('last', 'last'), ('la', 'ls {} -A'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('ll', 'ls {} -al'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('ls', 'ls {}'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('lt', 'ls {} -altr'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('lz', 'ls {} -alZ'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('lxc', 'lxc'), ('make', 'make'), ('mkdir', 'mkdir'), ('netstat', 'netstat'), ('nslookup', 'nslookup'), ('ping', 'ping'), ('mv', 'mv'), ('ps', 'ps'), ('psf', PSF_COMMAND), ('psx', PSX_COMMAND), ('psh', '{} | head'.format(PSX_COMMAND)), ('psc', '{} {}'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_CPU)), ('psch', '{} {} | head'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_CPU)), ('psm', '{} {}'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_MEM)), ('psmh', '{} {} | head'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_MEM)), ('psfx', PSF_COMMAND), ('pydoc', 'pydoc'), ('pyline', 'pyline'), ('pyrpo', 'pyrpo'), ('route', 'route'), ('rm', 'rm'), ('rsync', 'rsync'), ('sqlite3', 'sqlite3'), ('ss', 'ss'), ('ssv', 'supervisord'), ('stat', 'stat'), ('sudo', 'sudo'), ('sv', 'supervisorctl'), ('t', 'tail -f'), ('tail', 'tail'), ('thg', 'thg'), ('top', 'top'), ('tracepath', 'tracepath'), ('tracepath6', 'tracepath6'), ('vim', 'vim'), ('uptime', 'uptime'), ('which', 'which'), ('who_', 'who'), ('whoami', 'whoami'), ('zsh', 'zsh'), )) return DEFAULT_ALIASES
[docs]def get_IPYTHON_ALIAS_OVERLAY(): IPYTHON_ALIAS_OVERLAY = ( ('pydoc', 'pydoc %l | cat'), ('pip', 'pip'), ('dotf', 'dotf'), ('venv', 'venv'), ) return IPYTHON_ALIAS_OVERLAY
[docs]def in_ipython_config(): """ Returns: bool: True if ``get_ipython`` is in ``globals()`` """ return 'get_config' in globals()
[docs]def ipython_main(): """ Function to call if running within IPython, as determined by ``in_ipython_config``. """ venv = None if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ: venv = Venv(from_environ=True) venv.configure_ipython() else: Venv._configure_ipython()
if in_ipython_config(): logevent("ipython_main", "configuring IPython") ipython_main()
[docs]def ipython_imports(): """ Default imports for IPython (currently unused) """ from IPython.external.path import path path from pprint import pprint as pp pp from pprint import pformat as pf pf import json def ppd(self, *args, **kwargs): print(type(self)) print( json.dumps(*args, indent=2)) ## Tests
[docs]class VenvTestUtils(object): """ Test fixtures for TestCases and examples """ @staticmethod
[docs] def build_env_test_fixture(env=None): if env is None: env = Env() env['__WRK'] = env.get('__WRK', get___WRK_default(env=env)) env['WORKON_HOME'] = env.get('WORKON_HOME', get_WORKON_HOME_default(env=env)) env['VENVSTR'] = env.get('VENVSTR', 'dotfiles') env['VENVSTRAPP'] = env.get('VENVSTRAPP', env['VENVSTR']) env['_APP'] = env.get('_APP', env['VENVSTR']) #TODO || basename(VENVPREFIX) env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'] = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', os.path.basename( env['VENVSTR'])) env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV', joinpath( env['WORKON_HOME'], env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'])) env['VENVPREFIX'] = env.get('VENVPREFIX', env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV')) env['_SRC'] = joinpath(env['VENVPREFIX'], 'src') env['_ETC'] = joinpath(env['VENVPREFIX'], 'etc') env['_WRD'] = joinpath(env['_SRC'], env['_APP']) return env
[docs] def capture_io(f): """ Add stdout and sterr kwargs to a function call and return (output, _stdout, _stderr) """ functools.wraps(f) def __capture_io(*args, **kwargs): # ... partial/wraps _stdout = kwargs.get('stdout', StringIO.StringIO()) _stderr = kwargs.get(StringIO.StringIO()) ioconf = {"stdout":_stdout, "stderr":_stderr} kwargs.update(ioconf) output = f(*args, **kwargs) #, return output, _stdout, _stderr return __capture_io
[docs]class Test_001_lookup(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_100_lookup(self): kwargs = {'True': True, 'envTrue': True, 'isNone': None, 'kwargsTrue': True, 'collide': 'kwargs'} env = {'True': True, 'envTrue': True, 'isNone': None, 'envNone': True, 'collide': 'env'} def lookup(attr, default=None): return lookup_from_kwargs_env(kwargs, env, attr, default=default) self.assertTrue(lookup('True')) self.assertTrue(lookup('kwargsTrue')) self.assertTrue(lookup('envTrue')) self.assertEqual(lookup('collide'), 'kwargs') self.assertIsNone(lookup('...')) self.assertTrue(lookup('...', default=True))
[docs]class Test_100_Env(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_010_Env(self): e = Env() self.assertTrue(e) assert 'WORKON_HOME' not in e e['WORKON_HOME'] = '~/-wrk/-ve' assert 'WORKON_HOME' in e assert 'WORKON_HOME' in e.environ
[docs] def test_020_Env_copy(self): e = Env() keyname = '_test' self.assertNotIn(keyname, e) e[keyname] = True self.assertIn(keyname, e) e2 = e.copy() self.assertIn(keyname, e2) keyname = '_test2' e2[keyname] = True self.assertIn(keyname, e2) self.assertNotIn(keyname, e)
[docs] def test_Env_from_environ(self): import os e = Env.from_environ(os.environ) print(e) self.assertTrue(e)
[docs]class Test_200_StepBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_000_Step(self): def build_func(env, **kwargs): return env s = Step(build_func) self.assertTrue(s)
[docs] def test_500_StepBuilder(self): env = Env() env['_test'] = True builder = StepBuilder() step, new_env = self.assertTrue(new_env) self.assertEqual(env.environ.items(), new_env.environ.items()) builder = StepBuilder() step, new_env = self.assertTrue(new_env) self.assertEqual(env, new_env)
[docs] def test_600_StepBuilder(self): env = Env() env['_test'] = True builder = StepBuilder() builder.add_step(PrintEnvStderrStep) step, new_env = self.assertTrue(new_env) self.assertEqual(env, new_env)
[docs]class Test_250_Venv(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.env = VenvTestUtils.build_env_test_fixture() self.envattrs = ['VIRTUAL_ENV', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', '_APP', 'VENVSTR', 'VENVSTRAPP', 'VENVPREFIX']
[docs] def test_000_venv_test_fixture(self): self.assertTrue(self.env) for attr in self.envattrs: self.assertIn(attr, self.env) self.assertIn(attr, self.env.environ) self.assertEqual(self.env.get(attr), self.env[attr])
[docs] def test_010_assert_venv_requires_VENVPREFIX__or__VIRTUAL_ENV(self): with self.assertRaises(Exception): venv = Venv()
[docs] def test_100_Venv_parse_VENVSTR_env__and__VENVSTR(self): venv = Venv.parse_VENVSTR(env=self.env, VENVSTR=self.env['VENVSTR']) for attr in self.envattrs: self.assertIn(attr, venv) self.assertEqual(venv[attr], self.env.environ[attr]) self.assertEqual(venv[attr], self.env[attr])
def test_110_Venv_parse_VENVSTR_VENVSTR(self): venv = Venv.parse_VENVSTR(VENVSTR=self.env['VENVSTR']) for attr in self.envattrs: self.assertIn(attr, venv) self.assertEqual(venv[attr], self.env[attr], attr)
[docs] def test_110_Venv_parse_VENVSTR_VENVSTR(self): venv = Venv.parse_VENVSTR(VENVSTR=self.env['VENVSTR']) for attr in self.envattrs: self.assertIn(attr, venv) self.assertEqual(venv[attr], self.env[attr])
[docs]class Test_300_venv_build_env(unittest.TestCase): """ test each build step independently .. code:: python env = env.copy() buildfunc = build_virtualenvwrapper_env new_env = buildfunc(env=env) new_env = buildfunc(env=env, **kwargs) """
[docs] def setUp(self): self.env = VenvTestUtils.build_env_test_fixture()
[docs] def print_(self, *args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs)
[docs] def test_100_build_dotfiles_env(self): env = build_dotfiles_env() self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env)
[docs] def test_200_build_usrlog_env(self): env = build_usrlog_env() self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env)
[docs] def test_400_build_virtualenvwrapper_env(self): env = build_virtualenvwrapper_env() self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env)
[docs] def test_500_build_conda_env(self): env = build_conda_env() self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env)
[docs] def test_600_build_conda_cfg_env(self): env = build_conda_cfg_env() #env = build_conda_cfg_env(env=env, conda_root=None, conda_home=None) self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env)
[docs] def test_600_build_venv_paths_full_env__prefix_None(self): with self.assertRaises(ConfigException): env = build_venv_paths_full_env()
[docs] def test_610_build_venv_paths_full_env__prefix_root(self): env = build_venv_paths_full_env(VENVPREFIX='/') self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env) self.assertEqual(env['_BIN'], '/bin') self.assertEqual(env['_ETC'], '/etc') self.assertEqual(env['_SRC'], '/src') # TODO self.assertEqual(env['_LOG'], '/var/log') # self.assertIn('WORKON_HOME', env)
[docs] def test_620_build_venv_paths_full_env__prefix_None(self): env = build_venv_activate_env(VENVSTR=self.env["VENVSTR"]) env = build_venv_paths_full_env(env) self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env) self.assertIn('VIRTUAL_ENV', env) self.assertEqual(env["VIRTUAL_ENV"], self.env["VIRTUAL_ENV"])
[docs] def test_650_build_venv_paths_cdalias_env(self): env = build_venv_paths_cdalias_env() self.print_(env) self.assertTrue(env)
[docs]class Test_500_Venv(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.env = VenvTestUtils.build_env_test_fixture()
[docs] def test_000_venv(self): self.assertTrue(self.env) for attr in ['VENVSTR', 'VIRTUAL_ENV', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', '_APP']: self.assertIn(attr, self.env) with self.assertRaises(Exception): venv = Venv()
[docs] def test_005_venv(self): venv = Venv(VENVSTR=self.env['VENVSTR']) self.assertTrue(venv) self.assertTrue(venv.env) print(venv.env) for attr in ['VIRTUAL_ENV', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', '_APP']: self.assertIn(attr, venv.env) self.assertEqual(venv.env[attr], self.env[attr])
[docs] def test_010_venv__APP(self): venv = Venv(VENVSTR=self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], _APP=self.env['_APP']) self.assertIn('_APP', venv.env) self.assertEqual(venv.env['_APP'], self.env['_APP'])
[docs] def test_020_venv_from_null_environ(self): self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, Venv)
[docs] def test_030_venv_without_environ(self): os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] with self.assertRaises(StepConfigException): venv = Venv()
[docs] def test_040_venv_with_environ(self): os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] venv = Venv(from_environ=True) self.assertTrue(venv) self.assertEqual(venv.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'])
[docs] def test_050_venv__VENVSTR__WORKON_HOME(self): WORKON_HOME = '/WRKON_HOME' venv = Venv(self.env['VENVSTR'], WORKON_HOME=WORKON_HOME) self.assertTrue(venv) self.assertEqual(venv.env['WORKON_HOME'], WORKON_HOME) self.assertEqual(venv.env['_WRD'], joinpath(WORKON_HOME, self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'], 'src', self.env['VENVSTR'])) # TODO #def test_060_venv__VENVSTR__WRK(self): #__WRK = '/WRRK' #venv = Venv(VENVSTR=self.env['VENVSTR'], __WRK=__WRK) #self.assertTrue(venv) #self.assertEqual(venv.env['__WRK'], __WRK) #self.assertEqual(venv.env['_WRD'], #joinpath(__WRK, #'-ve27', #self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'], #'src', #self.env['VENVSTR']))
[docs]class Test_900_Venv_main(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.env = VenvTestUtils.build_env_test_fixture() # wrap main as self.main on setup to always capture IO # (output, stdout, stderr) self.main = VenvTestUtils.capture_io(main)
[docs] def test_001_main_null(self): with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main() self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) #calls SystemExit #def test_002_main_help(self): # retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('-h') # self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) # retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('--help') # self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_100_main(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('--VIRTUAL_ENV', self.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], '--APP',self.env['_APP']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('--ve','dotfiles','--app','dotfiles') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_110_main_VENVSTR(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_120_main_print_bash_VENVSTR(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('--print-vars', self.env['VENVSTR']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_130_main_print_bash_VENVSTR_VENVSTRAPP(self): (retcode, stdout, stderr) = ( self.main('--print-vars', self.env['VENVSTR'], self.env['_APP'])) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_140_main_VENVSTR_WORKON_HOME(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = ( self.main('--print-vars', '--WORKON_HOME','/WORKON_HOME', self.env['VENVSTR'])) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
def test_200_main_print_bash(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('--print-bash', self.env['VENVSTR'], self.env['_APP']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_200_main_print_bash(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles', '--print-bash') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_220_main_print_bash(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles', '--print-bash-cdalias') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
def test_300_main_print_zsh(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles', '--print-zsh') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_300_main_print_zsh(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles', '--print-zsh-cdalias') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0)
[docs] def test_400_main_print_vim(self): retcode, stdout, stderr = self.main('dotfiles', '--print-vim-cdalias') self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) ## optparse.OptionParser
[docs]def build_venv_arg_parser(): """ Returns: optparse.OptionParser: options for the commandline interface """ import argparse prs = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="venv", #usage=("%prog [-b|--print-bash] [-t] [-e] [-E<virtualenv>] [appname]"), description=( "venv is a configuration utility for virtual environments."), epilog=( "argparse.REMAINDER: " "If args must be specified, either (VENVSTR AND VENVSTRAPP) " "or (--ve [--app]) " "must be specified first: venv --ve dotfiles -xmake."), ) prs.add_argument('-e','--from-environ', help="Build venv.env.environ from keys in os.environ", dest='from_environ', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--__WRK', '--WRK', '--wrk', help="Path to workspace -- ~/-wrk", dest='__WRK', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--__DOTFILES', '--DOTFILES', '--dotfiles', help="Path to ${__DOTFILES} symlink -- ~/-dotfiles", dest='__DOTFILES', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--WORKON_HOME', '--workonhome', '--wh', help=("Path to ${WORKON_HOME} directory " "containing VIRTUAL_ENVs"), dest='WORKON_HOME', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--VENVSTR', '--venvstr', '--ve', help=("Path to VIRTUAL_ENV -- " "${WORKON_HOME}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME} " "(or a dirname in $WORKON_HOME) "), dest='VENVSTR_', nargs='?', action='store') prs.add_argument('--VENVSTRAPP', '--venvstrapp', help=("Subpath within {VIRTUAL_ETC}/src/"), dest='VENVSTRAPP_', nargs='?', action='store') prs.add_argument('--VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', '--virtual-env-name', '--vename', help=("dirname in WORKON_HOME -- " "${WORKON_HOME}/${VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME}"), dest='VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--VENVPREFIX', '--venvprefix', '--prefix', help='Prefix for _SRC, _ETC, _WRD if [ -z VIRTUAL_ENV ]', dest='VENVPREFIX', nargs='?', action='store') prs.add_argument('--VIRTUAL_ENV', '--virtual-env', help="Path to a $VIRTUAL_ENV", dest='VIRTUAL_ENV', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--_SRC', '--SRC', '--src', help='Path to source -- ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/src")', dest='_SRC', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--_APP', '--APP', '--app', # see also: --VENVSTRAPP help="Path component string -- ${_SRC}/${_APP}", dest='_APP', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--_WRD', '--WRD', '--wrd', help="Path to working directory -- ${_SRC}/${_APP}", dest='_WRD', nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--platform', help='Platform string (default: None)', dest='platform', action='store', default=None, ) prs.add_argument('--print-json', help="Print venv configuration as JSON", dest='print_json', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--print-json-filename', help="Path to write venv env JSON to", dest='print_json_filename', nargs='?', action='store', default='venv.json', ) prs.add_argument('--print-vars', help='Print vars', dest='print_vars', #nargs='?', action='store_true', default=None, ) prs.add_argument('--print-bash', '--bash', help="Print Bash shell configuration", dest='print_bash', action='store_true', default=None, #default='', ) prs.add_argument('--print-bash-filename', '--bf', help="Path to write Bash shell configuration into", dest='print_bash_filename', nargs='?', action='store', default='', #default='', ) prs.add_argument('--print-bash-cdalias', '--bash-cdalias', help="Print Bash cdalias script", dest='print_bash_cdalias', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--print-bash-cdalias-filename', '--bcdf', help="Path to write Bash cdalias shell configuration into", dest='print_bash_cdalias_filename', nargs='?', action='store', default='', #default='', ) prs.add_argument('-Z', '--print-zsh', help="Print ZSH shell configuration", dest='print_zsh', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--print-zsh-filename', '--zf', help="Print ZSH shell configuration", dest='print_zsh_filename', action='store', nargs='?', default='', ) prs.add_argument('--print-vim-cdalias', '--vim', help="Print vimscript configuration ", dest='print_vim_cdalias', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--print-vim-cdalias-filename', '--vcdf', help="Path to write cdalias vimscript into", dest='print_vim_cdalias_filename', nargs='?', action='store', default='venv.cdalias.vim', ) prs.add_argument('--command', '--cmd', '-x', help="Run a command in a venv-configured shell", dest='run_command', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('--run-bash', '--xbash', '-xb', help="Run bash in the specified venv", dest='run_bash', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--run-make', '--xmake', '-xmake', help="Run (cd $_WRD; make $@) in the specified venv", dest='run_make', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--run-editp', '--open-editors', '--edit', '-E', help=("Open $EDITOR_ with venv.project_files" " [$PROJECT_FILES]"), dest='open_editors', action='store_true', default=False, ) prs.add_argument('--run-terminal', '--open-terminals','--terminals', '-T', help="Open terminals within the venv [gnome-terminal]", dest='open_terminals', action='store_true', default=False, ) prs.add_argument('--pathall','-a', '--all-paths', '--ap', help="Print possible paths for the given path", dest="all_paths", action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--pwrk', '--wrk-path', help="Print $__WRK/$@", dest="path__WRK", ) prs.add_argument('--pworkonhome', '--workonhome-path','--pwh', help="Print $__WORKON_HOME/$@", dest="path_WORKON_HOME", ) prs.add_argument('--pvirtualenv', '--virtualenv-path', '--pv', help="Print $VIRTUAL_ENV/${@}", dest='path_VIRTUAL_ENV', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--psrc', '--src-path', '--ps', help="Print $_SRC/${@}", dest='path__SRC', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--pwrd', '--wrd-path', '--pw', help="Print $_WRD/${@}", dest='path__WRD', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--pdotfiles', '--dotfiles-path', '--pd', help="Print ${__DOTFILES}/${path}", dest='path__DOTFILES', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--prel', '--relative-path', help="Print ${@}", dest='relative_path', action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--pkg-resource-path', help="Path from pkg_resources.TODOTODO", dest="pkg_resource_path", action='store_true', ) prs.add_argument('--diff', '--show-diffs', dest='show_diffs', action='store_true',) prs.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',) prs.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true',) prs.add_argument('-t', '--test', dest='run_tests', action='store_true',) prs.add_argument('--version', dest='version', action='store_true',) prs.add_argument('VENVSTR', help=( 'a name of a virtualenv in WORKON_HOME ' 'OR a full path to a VIRTUAL_ENV'), nargs='?', action='store', ) prs.add_argument('VENVSTRAPP', help="a path within _SRC (_WRD=_SRC/VENVSTRAPP)", nargs='?', action='store', ) # Store remaining args in a catchall list (opts.args) prs.add_argument('args', metavar='args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) return prs
[docs]def comment_comment(strblock, **kwargs): """ Args: strblock (str): string block (possibly containing newlines) Keyword Arguments: kwargs (dict): kwargs for prepend_comment_char Returns: str: string with each line prefixed with comment char """ return u'\n'.join( prepend_comment_char(pprint.pformat(strblock),**kwargs))
[docs]def main(*argv, **kwargs): """ main function called if ``__name__=="__main__"`` Returns: int: nonzero on error """ stderr = kwargs.get('stderr', sys.stderr) stdout = kwargs.get('stdout', sys.stdout) prs = build_venv_arg_parser() if not argv: _argv = sys.argv[1:] else: _argv = list(argv) opts = prs.parse_args(args=_argv) args = opts.args if (not opts.quiet) or (not opts.version): logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger(LOGNAME) if opts.verbose: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # DEFAULT logevent('main()', {"sys.argv": sys.argv, "*argv": argv, "_argv": _argv, "args": args, "opts": opts.__dict__}, level=logging.DEBUG) if opts.run_tests: sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + opts.args sys.exit(unittest.main()) if opts.version: # TODO: independently __version__ this standalone script # and version-stamp --print-[...] try: import dotfiles version = dotfiles.version print(version, file=stdout) return 0 except ImportError: return 127 ## build or create a new Env if opts.from_environ: env = Env.from_environ(os.environ, verbose=opts.verbose) else: env = Env() ## read variables from options into the initial env dict varnames = ['__WRK', '__DOTFILES', 'WORKON_HOME', 'VENVSTR', 'VENVSTRAPP', 'VENVPREFIX', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', 'VIRTUAL_ENV', '_SRC', '_WRD'] # get opts from args and update env for varname in varnames: value = getattr(opts, varname, None) if value is not None: existing_value = env.get(varname) if existing_value is not None and existing_value != value: logevent('main args', { 'msg': 'commandline options intersect with env', 'varname': varname, 'value': value, 'value_was': existing_value, }, level=logging.DEBUG) env[varname] = value if opts.VENVSTR_: env['VENVSTR'] = opts.VENVSTR_ if opts.VENVSTRAPP_: env['VENVSTRAPP'] = opts.VENVSTRAPP_ logevent('main_env', env, wrap=True, level=logging.DEBUG) if not any(( env.get('VENVPREFIX'), env.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'), env.get('VENVSTR'), opts.from_environ)): prs.error("You must specify one of VENVSTR, VIRTUAL_ENV, VENVPREFIX, " "or -e|--from-environ") # TODO: handle paths # virtualenv [, appname] venv = Venv(env=env, open_editors=opts.open_editors, open_terminals=opts.open_terminals, show_diffs=opts.show_diffs, debug=opts.verbose, ) output = stdout if opts.print_vars: if any((opts.print_json, opts.print_bash, opts.print_bash_cdalias, opts.print_zsh, opts.print_vim_cdalias, )): prs.error("--print-vars specfied when\n" "writing to json, bash, zsh, or vim.") else: for block in venv.generate_vars_env(): print(block, file=output) if opts.print_json: print(venv.to_json(indent=4), file=output) if opts.print_bash: for block in venv.generate_bash_env(): print(block, file=output) if opts.print_vim_cdalias: for block in venv.generate_vim_env(): print(block, file=output) if opts.run_command: prcs = if opts.run_bash: prcs ='cd $_WRD; bash') if opts.run_make: args = [] argstr = " ".join(opts.args) prcs ='cd $_WRD; make {}'.format(argstr)) def get_pkg_resource_filename(filename): import pkg_resources return pkg_resources.resource_filename(filename) if any((opts.all_paths, # TODO TODO TODO: # is there a way to # distinguish between unset and flag-specified-without-value # with argparse nargs='?'? opts.path__WRD, opts.path__DOTFILES, opts.relative_path)): paths = [] if opts.VENVSTR: paths.append(opts.VENVSTR) if opts.VENVSTRAPP: paths.append(VENVSTRAPP) paths.extend(args) basepath = get_pkg_resource_filename('/') if dotfiles_all_paths or opts.dotfiles_path: __DOTFILES = env.get('__DOTFILES', os.path.sep.join('~','-dotfiles')) env['__DOTFILES'] = __DOTFILES for pth in paths: resource_path = get_pkg_resource_filename(pth) if opts.all_paths or opts.relative_path: relpath = os.path.relpath(resource_path, basepath) print(relpath, file=stdout) if opts.all_paths or opts.resource_path: print(resource_path, file=stdout) if opts.all_paths or opts.dotfiles_path: dotfiles_path = os.path.join(env['__DOTFILES'], relpath) print(dotfiles_path, file=stdout) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(*sys.argv[1:]))