
Venv makes working with Virtualenvwrapper, Bash, and IPython very easy.

There are three parts to “venv”: (docs) configures variables like $VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME, $_SRC, and $_WRD; and functions like we() and e() for Bash (and ZSH). (dotfiles.venv.ipython_config) provides a shell command (venv) called by we() for generating shell configuration for a Virtualenv and configures IPython. (dotfiles.venv.ipython_magics) configures the same cd commands and ds command defined in and for IPython.


# print shell configuration for a (hypothetical) dotfiles virtualenv
venv dotfiles --bash

# print shell configuration for the current ${VIRTUAL_ENV} [and ${_WRD}]
venv -E --bash

# run a command within a virtualenv
venv dotfiles -x bash

# workon a virtualenvwrapper virtualenv (we) (source <(venv -E --bash))
we dotfiles

# workon ${WORKON_HOME}/dotfiles/src/otherproject (echo $_APP $_WRD)
we dotfiles otherproject


Shell Command

$ python ../src/dotfiles/venv/ --help
Usage: [-b|--print-bash] [-t] [-e] [-E<virtualenv>] [appname]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -E, --from-shell-environ
  -p, --print, --print-json, --json
                        Print venv configuration as JSON
  -b, --bash, --print-bash, --zsh, --print-zsh
                        Print venv configuration for Bash, ZSH
                        Run a command in a venv-configured shell
  -t, --terminals, --open-terminals
                        Open terminals within the venv [gnome-terminal]
  -e, --editors, --open-editors
                        Open an editor with venv._project_files
  --platform=PLATFORM   Platform to generate configuration for
  -v, --verbose         
  -q, --quiet           
  -T, --test            

Copyright 2014 Wes Turner. New BSD License

Python API

A dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Venv object builds a dotfiles.venv.ipython_config.Env OrderedDict (.env) with $VIRTUAL_ENV-relative paths and environment variables in a common filesystem hierarchy and an OrderedDict of command aliases (.aliases), which can be serialized to a bash script (venv --bash), JSON (venv --print), and IPython configuration.

from dotfiles.venv.ipython_config import Venv
venv = Venv(from_environ=True)


assert venv.virtualenv  == venv.env['VIRTUAL_ENV']
assert venv.appname     == venv.env['_APP']

print(venv.env['_WRD'])     # working directory
print(venv.aliases['e'])    # edit with --servername $_APP

Example Venv Configuration

Shell Configuration

venv dotfiles --bash:

$ python ../src/dotfiles/venv/ dotfiles --bash \
| sed "s,${HOME},~,g"
export VIRTUAL_ENV='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles'
export VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME='dotfiles'
export _BIN='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/bin'
export _ETC='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc'
export _ETCOPT='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/opt'
export _HOME='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/home'
export _ROOT='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/root'
export _LIB='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/lib'
export _PYLIB='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/lib/python2.7'
export _PYSITE='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/lib/python2.7/site-packages'
export _MNT='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/mnt'
export _MEDIA='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/media'
export _OPT='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/opt'
export _SBIN='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/sbin'
export _SRC='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src'
export _SRV='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/srv'
export _TMP='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/tmp'
export _USR='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr'
export _USRBIN='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/bin'
export _USRINCLUDE='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/include'
export _USRLIB='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/lib'
export _USRLOCAL='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/local'
export _USRSBIN='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/sbin'
export _USRSHARE='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/share'
export _USRSRC='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/src'
export _VAR='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var'
export _VARCACHE='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/cache'
export _VARLIB='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/lib'
export _VARLOCK='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/lock'
export _LOG='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/log'
export _VARMAIL='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/mail'
export _VAROPT='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/opt'
export _VARRUN='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/run'
export _VARSPOOL='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/spool'
export _VARTMP='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/tmp'
export _WWW='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/www'
export _USRLOG='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/.usrlog'
export HISTFILE='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/.bash_history'
export HISTSIZE=1000000
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
export PAGER='/usr/bin/less -R'
export _APP='dotfiles'
export _WRD='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/dotfiles'
export VIMBIN='/usr/bin/vim'
export GVIMBIN=None
export MVIMBIN=None
export GUIVIMBIN=None
export VIMCONF='--servername dotfiles'
export _EDIT_='/usr/bin/vim -f'
export EDITOR_='/usr/bin/vim -f'
export _IPSESSKEY='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/.sessionkey'
export _NOTEBOOKS='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/notebooks'
export _IPQTLOG='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/.ipqt.log'
export _WRD_SETUPY='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/dotfiles/'
export _TEST_='(cd "${_WRD}" && python "${_WRD_SETUPY}" test)'
export _CFG='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/development.ini'
export _EDITCFG_='/usr/bin/vim -f ~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/development.ini'
export _SHELL_='(cd "${_WRD}" && "${_BIN}"/pshell "${_CFG}")'
export _SERVE_='(cd "${_WRD}" && "${_BIN}"/pserve --app-name=main --reload --monitor-restart "${_CFG}")'
export PROJECT_FILES='README.rst CHANGES.rst TODO.rst Makefile requirements.txt .hgignore .gitignore .hg/hgrc  dotfiles docs'
export _SVCFG='~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/supervisord.conf'
export _SVCFG_=' -c "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/supervisord.conf"'
eval 'cdb () {
    cd "${_BIN}"/$@
eval 'cde () {
    cd "${_ETC}"/$@
eval 'cdh () {
    cd "${HOME}"/$@
eval 'cdl () {
    cd "${_LIB}"/$@
eval 'cdlog () {
    cd "${_LOG}"/$@
eval 'cdp () {
    cd "${PROJECT_HOME}"/$@
eval 'cdph () {
    cd "${PROJECT_HOME}"/$@
eval 'cdpylib () {
    cd "${_PYLIB}"/$@
eval 'cdpysite () {
    cd "${_PYSITE}"/$@
eval 'cds () {
    cd "${_SRC}"/$@
eval 'cdv () {
    cd "${VIRTUAL_ENV}"/$@
eval 'cdve () {
    cd "${VIRTUAL_ENV}"/$@
eval 'cdvar () {
    cd "${_VAR}"/$@
eval 'cdwh () {
    cd "${WORKON_HOME}"/$@
eval 'cdwrk () {
    cd "${WORKON_HOME}"/$@
eval 'cdw () {
    cd "${_WRD}"/$@
eval 'cd- () {
    cd "${_WRD}"/$@
eval 'cdww () {
    cd "${_WWW}"/$@
eval 'cdwww () {
    cd "${_WWW}"/$@
eval 'cdhelp () {
    set | grep "^cd.*()" | cut -f1 -d" " #$@
eval 'edit- () {
    ${_EDIT_} $@
alias gvim-='${VIMBIN} -f'
eval 'ipskey () {
    (python -c "import os; print os.urandom(128).encode(\"base64\")" > "${_IPSESSKEY}" ) && chmod 0600 "${_IPSESSKEY}"; # $@
eval 'ipnb () {
    ipython notebook --secure --Session.keyfile="${_IPSESSKEY}" --notebook-dir="${_NOTEBOOKS}" --deep-reload $@
eval 'ipqt () {
    ipython qtconsole --secure --Session.keyfile="${_IPSESSKEY}" --logappend="${_IPQTLOG}" --deep-reload --pprint --colors=linux --ConsoleWidget.font_family="Monaco" --ConsoleWidget.font_size=11 $@
eval 'grinv () {
    grin --follow $@ "${VIRTUAL_ENV}"
eval 'grindv () {
    grind --follow $@ --dirs "${VIRTUAL_ENV}"
eval 'grins () {
    grin --follow $@ "${_SRC}"
eval 'grinds () {
    grind --follow $@ --dirs "${_SRC}"
alias test-='(cd "${_WRD}" && python "${_WRD_SETUPY}" test)'
alias testr-='reset && (cd "${_WRD}" && python "${_WRD_SETUPY}" test)'
alias nose-='(cd "${_WRD}" && nosetests)'
eval 'grinw () {
    grin --follow $@ "${_WRD}"
eval 'grin- () {
    grin --follow $@ "${_WRD}"
eval 'grindw () {
    grind --follow $@ --dirs "${_WRD}"
eval 'grind- () {
    grind --follow $@ --dirs "${_WRD}"
alias hgv-='hg view -R "${_WRD}"'
alias hgl-='hg -R "${_WRD}" log'
eval 'editcfg () {
    "${_EDITCFG_}" $@
alias serve-='(cd "${_WRD}" && "${_BIN}"/pserve --app-name=main --reload --monitor-restart "${_CFG}")'
alias shell-='(cd "${_WRD}" && "${_BIN}"/pshell "${_CFG}")'
eval 'e () {
    ${_EDIT_} $@
eval 'editp () {
eval 'makewrd () {
    (cd "${_WRD}" && make $@)
eval 'make- () {
    (cd "${_WRD}" && make $@)
eval 'mw () {
    (cd "${_WRD}" && make $@)
alias ssv='supervisord -c "${_SVCFG}"'
alias sv='supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}"'
alias svt='sv tail -f'
alias svd='supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}" restart dev && supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}" tail -f dev'

JSON Configuration

venv dotfiles --print:

$ python ../src/dotfiles/venv/ dotfiles --print \
| sed "s,${HOME},~,g"
  "env": {
    "VIRTUAL_ENV": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles", 
    "VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME": "dotfiles", 
    "_BIN": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/bin", 
    "_ETC": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc", 
    "_ETCOPT": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/opt", 
    "_HOME": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/home", 
    "_ROOT": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/root", 
    "_LIB": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/lib", 
    "_PYLIB": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/lib/python2.7", 
    "_PYSITE": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/lib/python2.7/site-packages", 
    "_MNT": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/mnt", 
    "_MEDIA": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/media", 
    "_OPT": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/opt", 
    "_SBIN": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/sbin", 
    "_SRC": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src", 
    "_SRV": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/srv", 
    "_TMP": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/tmp", 
    "_USR": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr", 
    "_USRBIN": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/bin", 
    "_USRINCLUDE": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/include", 
    "_USRLIB": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/lib", 
    "_USRLOCAL": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/local", 
    "_USRSBIN": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/sbin", 
    "_USRSHARE": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/share", 
    "_USRSRC": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/usr/src", 
    "_VAR": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var", 
    "_VARCACHE": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/cache", 
    "_VARLIB": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/lib", 
    "_VARLOCK": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/lock", 
    "_LOG": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/log", 
    "_VARMAIL": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/mail", 
    "_VAROPT": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/opt", 
    "_VARRUN": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/run", 
    "_VARSPOOL": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/spool", 
    "_VARTMP": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/tmp", 
    "_WWW": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/var/www", 
    "_USRLOG": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/.usrlog", 
    "HISTFILE": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/.bash_history", 
    "HISTSIZE": 1000000, 
    "HISTFILESIZE": 1000000, 
    "PAGER": "/usr/bin/less -R", 
    "_APP": "dotfiles", 
    "_WRD": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/dotfiles", 
    "VIMBIN": "/usr/bin/vim", 
    "GVIMBIN": null, 
    "MVIMBIN": null, 
    "GUIVIMBIN": null, 
    "VIMCONF": "--servername dotfiles", 
    "_EDIT_": "/usr/bin/vim -f", 
    "EDITOR_": "/usr/bin/vim -f", 
    "_IPSESSKEY": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/.sessionkey", 
    "_NOTEBOOKS": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/notebooks", 
    "_IPQTLOG": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/.ipqt.log", 
    "_WRD_SETUPY": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/src/dotfiles/", 
    "_TEST_": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && python \"${_WRD_SETUPY}\" test)", 
    "_CFG": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/development.ini", 
    "_EDITCFG_": "/usr/bin/vim -f ~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/development.ini", 
    "_SHELL_": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && \"${_BIN}\"/pshell \"${_CFG}\")", 
    "_SERVE_": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && \"${_BIN}\"/pserve --app-name=main --reload --monitor-restart \"${_CFG}\")", 
    "PROJECT_FILES": "README.rst CHANGES.rst TODO.rst Makefile requirements.txt .hgignore .gitignore .hg/hgrc  dotfiles docs", 
    "_SVCFG": "~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/supervisord.conf", 
    "_SVCFG_": " -c \"~/wrk/.ve/dotfiles/etc/supervisord.conf\""
  "aliases": {
    "cdb": "cd \"${_BIN}\"/%l", 
    "cde": "cd \"${_ETC}\"/%l", 
    "cdh": "cd \"${HOME}\"/%l", 
    "cdl": "cd \"${_LIB}\"/%l", 
    "cdlog": "cd \"${_LOG}\"/%l", 
    "cdp": "cd \"${PROJECT_HOME}\"/%l", 
    "cdph": "cd \"${PROJECT_HOME}\"/%l", 
    "cdpylib": "cd \"${_PYLIB}\"/%l", 
    "cdpysite": "cd \"${_PYSITE}\"/%l", 
    "cds": "cd \"${_SRC}\"/%l", 
    "cdv": "cd \"${VIRTUAL_ENV}\"/%l", 
    "cdve": "cd \"${VIRTUAL_ENV}\"/%l", 
    "cdvar": "cd \"${_VAR}\"/%l", 
    "cdwh": "cd \"${WORKON_HOME}\"/%l", 
    "cdwrk": "cd \"${WORKON_HOME}\"/%l", 
    "cdw": "cd \"${_WRD}\"/%l", 
    "cd-": "cd \"${_WRD}\"/%l", 
    "cdww": "cd \"${_WWW}\"/%l", 
    "cdwww": "cd \"${_WWW}\"/%l", 
    "cdhelp": "set | grep \"^cd.*()\" | cut -f1 -d\" \" #%l", 
    "edit-": "${_EDIT_} %l", 
    "gvim-": "/usr/bin/vim -f", 
    "ipskey": "(python -c \"import os; print os.urandom(128).encode(\\\"base64\\\")\" > \"${_IPSESSKEY}\" ) && chmod 0600 \"${_IPSESSKEY}\"; # %l", 
    "ipnb": "ipython notebook --secure --Session.keyfile=\"${_IPSESSKEY}\" --notebook-dir=\"${_NOTEBOOKS}\" --deep-reload %l", 
    "ipqt": "ipython qtconsole --secure --Session.keyfile=\"${_IPSESSKEY}\" --logappend=\"${_IPQTLOG}\" --deep-reload --pprint --colors=linux --ConsoleWidget.font_family=\"Monaco\" --ConsoleWidget.font_size=11 %l", 
    "grinv": "grin --follow %l \"${VIRTUAL_ENV}\"", 
    "grindv": "grind --follow %l --dirs \"${VIRTUAL_ENV}\"", 
    "grins": "grin --follow %l \"${_SRC}\"", 
    "grinds": "grind --follow %l --dirs \"${_SRC}\"", 
    "test-": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && python \"${_WRD_SETUPY}\" test)", 
    "testr-": "reset && (cd \"${_WRD}\" && python \"${_WRD_SETUPY}\" test)", 
    "nose-": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && nosetests)", 
    "grinw": "grin --follow %l \"${_WRD}\"", 
    "grin-": "grin --follow %l \"${_WRD}\"", 
    "grindw": "grind --follow %l --dirs \"${_WRD}\"", 
    "grind-": "grind --follow %l --dirs \"${_WRD}\"", 
    "hgv-": "hg view -R \"${_WRD}\"", 
    "hgl-": "hg -R \"${_WRD}\" log", 
    "editcfg": "\"${_EDITCFG_}\" %l", 
    "serve-": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && \"${_BIN}\"/pserve --app-name=main --reload --monitor-restart \"${_CFG}\")", 
    "shell-": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && \"${_BIN}\"/pshell \"${_CFG}\")", 
    "e": "${_EDIT_} %l", 
    "makewrd": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && make %l)", 
    "make-": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && make %l)", 
    "mw": "(cd \"${_WRD}\" && make %l)", 
    "ssv": "supervisord -c \"${_SVCFG}\"", 
    "sv": "supervisorctl -c \"${_SVCFG}\"", 
    "svt": "sv tail -f", 
    "svd": "supervisorctl -c \"${_SVCFG}\" restart dev && supervisorctl -c \"${_SVCFG}\" tail -f dev"