Source code for dotfiles.venv.ipython_config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

============================== (venv)

- set variables for standard paths in the environment dict
- define IPython aliases
- serialize variables and aliases to

  - IPython configuration (variables, aliases)
  - Bash/zsh configuration (variables, aliases, macros)
  - JSON (variables, aliases)

import distutils.spawn
import logging
import os
import site
import sys

from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import join as joinpath

if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
    STR_TYPES = basestring
    STR_TYPES = str

[docs]class IPYMock(object): """ Provide a few mocked methods for testing """
[docs] def system(self, *args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs)
[docs] def magic(self, *args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs)
pyver = 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] log = logging.getLogger('Venv') __THISFILE = os.path.abspath(__file__) # __VENV_CMD = "python {}" __VENV_CMD = "python %s" % __THISFILE
[docs]def get_workon_home_default(): """ Returns: str: Best path for a virtualenvwrapper ``$WORKON_HOME`` """ workon_home = os.environ.get('WORKON_HOME') if workon_home: return workon_home workon_home = os.path.expanduser('~/wrk/.ve') if os.path.exists(workon_home): return workon_home return os.path.expanduser('~/.virtualenvs/')
[docs]class Env(OrderedDict): """ OrderedDict of variables for/from ``os.environ``. """ osenviron_keys = ( '__DOCSWWW', '__DOTFILES', 'PAGER', 'PROJECTS', 'USRLOG', 'VIMBIN', 'GVIMBIN', 'MVIMBIN', 'GUIVIMBIN', 'VIMCONF', 'EDITOR_', 'VIRTUAL_ENV', 'VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME', 'WORKON_HOME', 'WORKSPACE', '_APP', '_BIN', '_CFG', '_ETC', '_LIB', '_LOG', '_MNT', '_OPT', '_PYLIB', '_PYSITE', '_SRC', '_SRV', '_VAR', '_WRD', '_WRD_SETUPY', '_WWW', '__SRC', '_src', ) def __getattribute__(self, attr): return dict.__getattribute__(self, attr) @classmethod
[docs] def from_environ(cls, environ): """ Build an ``Env`` from a dict (e.g. ``os.environ``) Args: environ (dict): a dict with variable name keys and values Returns: Env: an Env environment built from the given environ dict """ return cls((k, environ.get(k, '')) for k in cls.osenviron_keys)
[docs] def set_standard_paths(env, prefix): """ Set variables for standard paths in the environment Args: prefix (str): a path prefix (e.g. ``$VIRTUAL_ENV`` or ``$PREFIX``) see: - - """ # env['_BIN'] = joinpath(prefix, "bin") # ./bin env['_ETC'] = joinpath(prefix, "etc") # ./etc env['_ETCOPT'] = joinpath(prefix, "etc/opt") # ./etc/opt env['_HOME'] = joinpath(prefix, "home") # ./home env['_ROOT'] = joinpath(prefix, "root") # ./root env['_LIB'] = joinpath(prefix, "lib") # ./lib env['_PYLIB'] = joinpath(prefix, "lib", pyver) # ./lib/pythonN.N env['_PYSITE'] = joinpath(prefix, "lib", pyver, 'site-packages') env['_MNT'] = joinpath(prefix, "mnt") # ./mnt env['_MEDIA'] = joinpath(prefix, "media") # ./media env['_OPT'] = joinpath(prefix, "opt") # ./opt env['_SBIN'] = joinpath(prefix, "sbin") # ./sbin env['_SRC'] = joinpath(prefix, "src") # ./src env['_SRV'] = joinpath(prefix, "srv") # ./srv env['_TMP'] = joinpath(prefix, "tmp") # ./tmp env['_USR'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr") # ./usr env['_USRBIN'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/bin") # ./usr/bin env['_USRINCLUDE'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/include") # ./usr/include env['_USRLIB'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/lib") # ./usr/lib env['_USRLOCAL'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/local") # ./usr/local env['_USRSBIN'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/sbin") # ./usr/sbin env['_USRSHARE'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/share") # ./usr/share env['_USRSRC'] = joinpath(prefix, "usr/src") # ./usr/src env['_VAR'] = joinpath(prefix, "var") # ./var env['_VARCACHE'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/cache") # ./var/cache env['_VARLIB'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/lib") # ./var/lib env['_VARLOCK'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/lock") # ./var/lock env['_LOG'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/log") # ./var/log env['_VARMAIL'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/mail") # ./var/mail env['_VAROPT'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/opt") # ./var/opt env['_VARRUN'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/run") # ./var/run env['_VARSPOOL'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/spool") # ./var/spool env['_VARTMP'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/tmp") # ./var/tmp env['_WWW'] = joinpath(prefix, "var/www") # ./var/www
[docs] def paths_to_variables(self, path_): """ Replace components of a path string with variables configured in this Env. Args: path_ (str): a path string Returns: str: path string containing ``${VARNAME}`` variables """ compress = sorted( ((k, v) for (k, v) in self.items() if isinstance(v, STR_TYPES) and v.startswith('/')), key=lambda v: (len(v[1]), v[0]), reverse=True) for varname, value in compress: _path = path_.replace(value, '${%s}' % varname) return _path
[docs]def shell_quote(var): """ Escape single quotes and add double quotes around a given variable. Args: _str (str): string to add quotes to Returns: str: string wrapped in quotes .. warning:: This is not safe for untrusted input and only valid in this context (``os.environ``). """ _repr = repr(var) if _repr.startswith('\''): return "\"%s\"" % _repr[1:-1]
[docs]def shell_varquote(str_): """ Add doublequotes and shell variable brackets to a string Args: str_ (str): string to varquote (e.g. ``VIRTUAL_ENV``) Returns: str: "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" """ return shell_quote('${%s}' % str_)
def _get_shell_version(): """ Returns: tuple: (shell_namestr, versionstr) of the current ``$SHELL`` """ import os import subprocess shell = os.environ.get('SHELL') if not shell: raise Exception('SHELL is not set') output = subprocess.check_output( (shell, '--version')).split('\n', 1)[0] if output.startswith('GNU bash, version '): verstr = output.lstrip('GNU bash, version ') return ('bash', verstr) if output.startswith('zsh '): return output.split(' ', 1) def _shell_supports_declare_g(): """ Returns: bool: True only if the ``$SHELL`` is known to support ``declare -g`` """ # NOTE: OSX still has bash 3.2, which does not support '-g' shell, verstr = _get_shell_version() if shell == 'zsh': return True if shell == 'bash': if verstr.startswith('4'): return True return False
[docs]class Venv(object): """ A virtual environment configuration generator """ @staticmethod
[docs] def get_virtualenv_path(virtualenv=None, from_environ=False): """ Get the path to a virtualenv Args: virtualenv (str): a path to a virtualenv containing ``/`` OR just the name of a virtualenv in ``$WORKON_HOME`` from_environ (bool): whether to try and read from ``os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"]`` Returns: str: a path to a virtualenv (for ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``) """ _virtualenv = None if virtualenv is None: if from_environ: _virtualenv = os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV') else: log.error("Virtualenv not specified") else: if '/' not in virtualenv: _virtualenv = joinpath( get_workon_home_default(), virtualenv) else: _virtualenv = virtualenv if _virtualenv and not os.path.exists(_virtualenv): log.debug("virtualenv %r does not exist" % _virtualenv) return _virtualenv
def __init__(self, virtualenv=None, appname=None, env=None, from_environ=False, open_editors=False, open_terminals=False, dont_reflect=True): """ Initialize a new Venv Args: virtualenv (str): None, a path to a virtualenv, or the basename of a virtualenv in ``$WORKON_HOME`` appname (str): path component under ``$VIRTUAL_ENV/src/<appname>``. ``$_APP`` (and thus ``$_WRD``) are set from this variable. if not specified, ``$_APP`` will default to the basename of ``$VIRTUAL_ENV``. env (Env): an already-configured Env object if ``env`` is None (the default), a new Env will be created from_environ (bool): True if ``os.environ`` should be read from (default: False) open_editors (bool): Whether to open an editor of the Venv (default: False) open_terminals (bool): Whether to open terminals of the Venv (default: False) dont_reflect (bool): Whether to always create aliases and functions referencing ``$_WRD`` even if ``$_WRD`` doesn't exist. (default: True) Raises: Exception: if virtualenv is not specified or incalculable from the given combination of ``virtualenv`` and ``from_environ`` arguments Exception: if both ``env`` and ``from_environ=True`` are specified """ self.log = logging.getLogger('venv.%s' % appname) _virtualenv = self.get_virtualenv_path(virtualenv, from_environ=from_environ) if _virtualenv is None: errmsg = ''' You specified virtualenv=%r virtualenv must be: A. a relative or absolute path to a virtualenv B. a virtualenv name (a path in $WORKON_HOME) Did you mean to specify -E (--from-shell-environ)? ''' % virtualenv raise Exception(errmsg) else: self.virtualenv = _virtualenv = os.path.basename(self.virtualenv) if appname is None: appname = apppath = joinpath(self.virtualenv, 'src', appname) # if not os.path.exists(apppath): logging.debug("apppath %r does not exist" % apppath) # TODO if appname is None: appname = os.path.basename(self.virtualenv) self.appname = appname self.log = logging.getLogger('venv.%s' % appname) if env and from_environ: raise Exception("both 'env' and 'from_environ=True' were specified") if from_environ: self.env = Env.from_environ(os.environ) else: if env is None: self.env = Env() else: self.env = env env = self.env env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = self.virtualenv env['VIRTUAL_ENV_NAME'] = env.set_standard_paths(self.virtualenv) env['_USRLOG'] = joinpath(self.virtualenv, ".usrlog") env['HISTFILE'] = joinpath(self.virtualenv, ".bash_history") env['HISTSIZE'] = 1000000 env['HISTFILESIZE'] = 1000000 # env['HISTTIMEFORMAT'] = "%F %T " # see etc/bash/ env['PAGER'] = '/usr/bin/less -R' env['_APP'] = self.appname env['_WRD'] = joinpath(env['_SRC'], self.appname) # working directory self.aliases = self.get_user_aliases_base() self.aliases.update(self.get_user_aliases(dont_reflect=dont_reflect)) if open_editors: self.open_editors() if open_terminals: self.open_terminals() @staticmethod def _configure_sys(env=None, from_environ=False): """ Configure sys.path with the given env, or from from_environ Args: env (Env): Env to configure sys.path according to (default: None) from_environ (bool): whether to read Env from ``os.environ`` (default: False) .. note:: This method adds ``/usr/local/python.ver.ver/dist-packages/IPython/extensions`` to ``sys.path`` Why? When working in a virtualenv which does not have an additional local copy of IPython installed, the lack of an extensions path was causing errors in regards to missing extensions. """ if from_environ: env = Env.from_environ(os.environ) env['_PYLIB'] = joinpath(env['_LIB'], pyver) env['_PYSITE'] = joinpath(env['_PYLIB'], 'site-packages') no_global_site_packages = joinpath( env('_PYLIB'), 'no-global-site-packages.txt') if not os.path.exists(no_global_site_packages): sys_libdir = joinpath("/usr/lib", pyver) sys.path = [joinpath(sys_libdir, p) for p in ( "", "plat-linux2", "lib-tk", "lib-dynload")] # TODO ipython_extensions = ( '/usr/local/lib/%s/dist-packages/IPython/extensions' % pyver) if not os.path.exists(ipython_extensions):"IPython extensions not found: %r", ipython_extensions) if ipython_extensions not in sys.path: sys.path.append(ipython_extensions) # optimize_python_path(sys.path) site.addsitedir(env['_PYSITE']) return sys.path
[docs] def configure_sys(self): """ Returns: list: ``sys.path`` list from ``_configure_sys``. """ return Venv._configure_sys(self.env)
[docs] def get_user_aliases_base(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict: dict of ``cd`` command aliases .. note:: These do not work in IPython as they run in a subshell. See: :py:mod:`dotfiles.venv.ipython_magics`. """ aliases = OrderedDict() env = self.env def cdalias(varname): return 'cd {}/%l'.format(shell_varquote(varname)) aliases['cdb'] = cdalias('_BIN') aliases['cde'] = cdalias('_ETC') aliases['cdh'] = cdalias('HOME') aliases['cdl'] = cdalias('_LIB') aliases['cdlog'] = cdalias('_LOG') aliases['cdp'] = cdalias('PROJECT_HOME') aliases['cdph'] = cdalias('PROJECT_HOME') aliases['cdpylib'] = cdalias('_PYLIB') aliases['cdpysite'] = cdalias('_PYSITE') aliases['cds'] = cdalias('_SRC') aliases['cdv'] = cdalias('VIRTUAL_ENV') aliases['cdve'] = cdalias('VIRTUAL_ENV') aliases['cdvar'] = cdalias('_VAR') aliases['cdwh'] = cdalias('WORKON_HOME') aliases['cdwrk'] = cdalias('WORKON_HOME') aliases['cdw'] = cdalias('_WRD') aliases['cd-'] = cdalias('_WRD') aliases['cdww'] = cdalias('_WWW') aliases['cdwww'] = cdalias('_WWW') aliases['cdhelp'] = """set | grep "^cd.*()" | cut -f1 -d" " #%l""" return aliases
[docs] def get_user_aliases(self, dont_reflect=False): """ Configure env variables and return an OrderedDict of aliases Args: dont_reflect (bool): Whether to always create aliases and functions referencing ``$_WRD`` even if ``$_WRD`` doesn't exist. (default: False) Returns: OrderedDict: dict of aliases """ aliases = OrderedDict() env = self.env env['VIMBIN'] = distutils.spawn.find_executable('vim') env['GVIMBIN'] = distutils.spawn.find_executable('gvim') env['MVIMBIN'] = distutils.spawn.find_executable('mvim') env['GUIVIMBIN'] = env.get('MVIMBIN', env.get('GVIMBIN')) env['VIMCONF'] = "--servername %s" % ( shell_quote(self.appname).strip('"')) if not env.get('GUIVIMBIN'): env['_EDIT_'] = "%s -f" % env.get('VIMBIN') else: env['_EDIT_'] = '%s %s --remote-tab-silent' % ( env.get('GUIVIMBIN'), env.get('VIMCONF')) env['EDITOR_'] = env['_EDIT_'] aliases['edit-'] = env['_EDIT_'] aliases['gvim-'] = env['_EDIT_'] env['_IPSESSKEY'] = joinpath(env['_SRC'], '.sessionkey') env['_NOTEBOOKS'] = joinpath(env['_SRC'], 'notebooks') if sys.version_info.major == 2: _new_ipnbkey="print os.urandom(128).encode(\\\"base64\\\")" elif sys.version_info.major == 3: _new_ipnbkey="print(os.urandom(128).encode(\\\"base64\\\"))" else: raise KeyError(sys.version_info.major) aliases['ipskey'] = ('(python -c \"' 'import os;' ' {_new_ipnbkey}\"' ' > {_IPSESSKEY} )' ' && chmod 0600 {_IPSESSKEY};' ' # %l' ).format( _new_ipnbkey=_new_ipnbkey, _IPSESSKEY=shell_varquote('_IPSESSKEY')) aliases['ipnb'] = ('ipython notebook' ' --secure' ' --Session.keyfile={_IPSESSKEY}' ' --notebook-dir={_NOTEBOOKS}' ' --deep-reload' ' %l').format( _IPSESSKEY=shell_varquote('_IPSESSKEY'), _NOTEBOOKS=shell_varquote('_NOTEBOOKS')) env['_IPQTLOG'] = joinpath(env['VIRTUAL_ENV'], '.ipqt.log') aliases['ipqt'] = ('ipython qtconsole' ' --secure' ' --Session.keyfile={_IPSESSKEY}' ' --logappend={_IPQTLOG}' ' --deep-reload' #' --gui-completion' #' --existing=${_APP}' ' --pprint' #' --pdb' ' --colors=linux' ' --ConsoleWidget.font_family="Monaco"' ' --ConsoleWidget.font_size=11' ' %l').format( _IPSESSKEY=shell_varquote('_IPSESSKEY'), _APP=shell_varquote('_APP'), _IPQTLOG=shell_varquote('_IPQTLOG')) aliases['grinv'] = 'grin --follow %%l %s' % shell_varquote('VIRTUAL_ENV') aliases['grindv'] = 'grind --follow %%l --dirs %s' % shell_varquote('VIRTUAL_ENV') aliases['grins'] = 'grin --follow %%l %s' % shell_varquote('_SRC') aliases['grinds'] = 'grind --follow %%l --dirs %s' % shell_varquote('_SRC') _WRD = env['_WRD'] if os.path.exists(_WRD) or dont_reflect: env['_WRD'] = _WRD env['_WRD_SETUPY'] = joinpath(_WRD, '') env['_TEST_'] = "(cd {_WRD} && python {_WRD_SETUPY} test)".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD'), _WRD_SETUPY=shell_varquote('_WRD_SETUPY') ) aliases['test-'] = env['_TEST_'] aliases['testr-'] = 'reset && %s' % env['_TEST_'] aliases['nose-'] = '(cd {_WRD} && nosetests)'.format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['grinw'] = 'grin --follow %l {_WRD}'.format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['grin-'] = aliases['grinw'] aliases['grindw'] = 'grind --follow %l --dirs {_WRD}'.format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['grind-'] = aliases['grindw'] aliases['hgv-'] = "hg view -R {_WRD}".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['hgl-'] = "hg -R {_WRD} log".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) else: self.log.error('app working directory %r not found' % _WRD) _CFG = joinpath(env['_ETC'], 'development.ini') if os.path.exists(_CFG) or dont_reflect: env['_CFG'] = _CFG env['_EDITCFG_'] = "{_EDIT_} {_CFG}".format( _EDIT_=env['_EDIT_'], _CFG=env['_CFG']) aliases['editcfg'] = "{_EDITCFG} %l".format( _EDITCFG=shell_varquote('_EDITCFG_')) # Pyramid pshell & pserve (#TODO: test -f (django)) env['_SHELL_'] = "(cd {_WRD} && {_BIN}/pshell {_CFG})".format( _BIN=shell_varquote('_BIN'), _CFG=shell_varquote('_CFG'), _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) env['_SERVE_'] =("(cd {_WRD} && {_BIN}/pserve" " --app-name=main" " --reload" " --monitor-restart {_CFG})").format( _BIN=shell_varquote('_BIN'), _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD'), _CFG=shell_varquote('_CFG')) aliases['serve-'] = env['_SERVE_'] aliases['shell-'] = env['_SHELL_'] else: self.log.error('app configuration %r not found' % _CFG) env['_CFG'] = "" aliases['edit-'] = "${_EDIT_} %l" aliases['e'] = aliases['edit-'] env['PROJECT_FILES']= " ".join( str(x) for x in self._project_files) aliases['editp'] = "$GUIVIMBIN $VIMCONF $PROJECT_FILES %l" aliases['makewrd'] = "(cd {_WRD} && make %l)".format( _WRD=shell_varquote('_WRD')) aliases['make-'] = aliases['makewrd'] aliases['mw'] = aliases['makewrd'] _SVCFG = env.get('_SVCFG', joinpath(env['_ETC'], 'supervisord.conf')) if os.path.exists(_SVCFG) or dont_reflect: env['_SVCFG'] = _SVCFG env['_SVCFG_'] = ' -c %s' % shell_quote(env['_SVCFG']) else: self.log.error('supervisord configuration %r not found' % _SVCFG) env['_SVCFG_'] = '' aliases['ssv'] = 'supervisord -c "${_SVCFG}"' aliases['sv'] = 'supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}"' aliases['svt'] = 'sv tail -f' aliases['svd'] = ('supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}" restart dev' ' && supervisorctl -c "${_SVCFG}" tail -f dev') return aliases
[docs] def workon_project(cls, virtualenv, **kwargs): """ Args: virtualenv (str): a path to a virtualenv containing ``/`` OR just the name of a virtualenv in ``$WORKON_HOME`` kwargs (dict): kwargs to pass to Venv (see ``Venv.__init__``) Returns: Venv: an intialized ``Venv`` """ return cls(virtualenv=virtualenv, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _configure_ipython(c=None, setup_func=None, platform=None): """ Configure IPython with ``autoreload=True``, ``deep_reload=True``, the **storemagic** extension, the **parallelmagic** extension if ``import zmq`` succeeds, and ``DEFAULT_ALIASES`` (``cd`` aliases are not currently working). Args: c (object): An IPython configuration object (e.g. ``get_ipython()``) setup_func (function): a function to call (default: None) Docs: * * """ if c is None: if not in_ipython_config(): # skip IPython configuration log.error("not in_ipython_config") return else: c = get_config() c.InteractiveShellApp.ignore_old_config = True c.InteractiveShellApp.log_level = 20 c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = [ # 'autoreload', 'storemagic', ] #try: # import sympy # c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('sympyprinting') #except ImportError, e: # pass try: import zmq zmq c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions.append('parallelmagic') except ImportError: pass c.InteractiveShell.autoreload = True c.InteractiveShell.deep_reload = True # %store [name] c.StoreMagic.autorestore = True additional = get_DEFAULT_ALIASES(platform=platform).items() c.AliasManager.default_aliases.extend(additional) if setup_func: setup_func(c)
[docs] def configure_ipython(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Configure IPython with ``Venv._configure_ipython`` and ``user_aliases`` from ``self.aliases.items()``. Args: args (list): args for ``Venv._configure_ipython`` kwargs (dict): kwargs for ``Venv._configure_ipython``. """ def setup_func(c): c.AliasManager.user_aliases = [ (k,v) for (k,v) in self.aliases.items() if not k.startswith('cd')] return Venv._configure_ipython(*args, setup_func=setup_func, **kwargs)
def _ipython_alias_to_bash_alias(self, name, alias): """ Convert an IPython alias declaration to an ``alias`` command or a ``function()`` with ``%l`` replaced with ``$@``. Args: name (str): alias name alias (str): command string (possibly containing an ``%l``) Returns: str: either an ``alias name='command'`` string or a function """ alias = self.env.paths_to_variables(alias) if '%s' in alias or '%l' in alias: # alias = '# %s' % alias # chunks = alias.split('%s') _alias = alias[:] count = 0 while '%s' in _alias: count += 1 _alias = _alias.replace('%s', '${%d}' % count, 1) _aliasmacro = ( 'eval \'{cmdname} () {{\n {aliasfunc}\n}}\';'.format( cmdname=name, aliasfunc=_alias)) return _aliasmacro.replace('%l', '$@') return 'alias %s=%r' % (name, alias)
[docs] def bash_env(self, output=sys.stdout): """ Generate a ``source``-able script for the environment variables, aliases, and functions defined by the current ``Venv``. Args: output (file-like): object to ``print`` to (``print`` calls ``.write()`` and then ``.flush()``) """ for k, v in self.env.items(): print("export %s=%r" % (k, v), file=output) # if _shell_supports_declare_g(): # print("declare -grx %s=%r" % (k, v), file=output) # else: # print("export %s=%r" % (k, v), file=output) # print("declare -r %k" % k, file=output) for k, v in self.aliases.items(): bash_alias = self._ipython_alias_to_bash_alias(k, v) print(bash_alias, file=output)
@property def _project_files(self): """ Default list of project files for ``_EDITCMD_``. Returns: list: list of paths relative to ``$_WRD``. """ default_project_files = ( 'README.rst', 'CHANGES.rst', 'TODO.rst', 'Makefile', '', 'requirements.txt', '.hgignore', '.gitignore', '.hg/hgrc', '', self.appname, 'docs', ) return default_project_files @property def _edit_project_cmd(self): """ Command to edit ``self._project_files`` Returns: str: ``$_EDIT_`` ``self._project_files`` """ return "%s %s" % ( self.env['_EDIT_'], ' '.join( shell_quote(joinpath(self.env['_WRD'], p)) for p in (self._project_files)) ) @property def _terminal_cmd(self): """ Command to open a terminal Returns: str: env.get('TERMINAL') or ``/usr/bin/gnome-terminal`` """ # TODO: add return self.env.get('TERMINAL', '/usr/bin/gnome-terminal') @property def _open_terminals_cmd(self): """ Command to open ``self._terminal_cmd`` with a list of initial named terminals. """ # TODO: add (man cmd = ( self._terminal_cmd, '--working-directory', self.env['_WRD'], '--tab', '--title', '%s: bash' % self.appname, '--command', 'bash', '--tab', '--title', '%s: serve' % self.appname, '--command', "bash -c 'we %s %s'; bash" % ( self.virtualenv, self.appname), # '--tab', '--title', '%s: shell' % self.appname, '--command', "bash -c %r; bash" % self.env['_SHELL_'] ) return cmd
[docs] def system(self, cmd=None): """ Call ``os.system`` with the given command string Args: cmd (string): command string to call ``os.system`` with Raises: Exception: if ``cmd`` is None NotImplementedError: if ``cmd`` is a tuple """ if cmd is None: raise Exception() if isinstance(cmd, (tuple, list)): _cmd = ' '.join(cmd) # TODO: (subprocess.Popen) raise NotImplementedError() elif isinstance(cmd, (str,)): _cmd = cmd os.system(_cmd)
[docs] def open_editors(self): """ Run ``self._edit_project_cmd`` """ cmd = self._edit_project_cmd self.system(cmd=cmd)
[docs] def open_terminals(self): """ Run ``self._open_terminals_cmd`` """ cmd = self._open_terminals_cmd self.system(cmd=cmd)
[docs] def asdict(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict: OrderedDict(env=self.env, aliases=self.aliases) """ return OrderedDict( env=self.env, aliases=self.aliases, )
[docs] def to_json(self, indent=None): """ Args: indent (int): number of spaces with which to indent JSON output Returns: str: json.dumps(self.asdict()) """ import json return json.dumps(self.asdict(), indent=indent)
[docs]def get_DEFAULT_ALIASES(platform=None): if platform is None: platform = sys.platform IS_DARWIN = platform == 'darwin' LS_COLOR_AUTO = "--color=auto" if IS_DARWIN: LS_COLOR_AUTO = "-G" PSX_COMMAND = 'ps uxaw' PSF_COMMAND = 'ps uxawf' PS_SORT_CPU = '--sort=-pcpu' PS_SORT_MEM = '--sort=-pmem' if IS_DARWIN: PSX_COMMAND = 'ps uxaw' PSF_COMMAND = 'ps uxaw' PS_SORT_CPU = '-c' PS_SORT_MEM = '-m' DEFAULT_ALIASES = OrderedDict(( ('cp', 'cp'), ('bash', 'bash'), ('cat', 'cat'), ('chmodr', 'chmod -R'), ('chownr', 'chown -R'), ('egrep', 'egrep --color=auto'), ('fgrep', 'fgrep --color=auto'), ('git', 'git'), ('ga', 'git add'), ('gd', 'git diff'), ('gdc', 'git diff --cached'), ('gs', 'git status'), ('gl', 'git log'), ('grep', 'grep --color=auto'), ('grin', 'grin'), ('grind', 'grind'), ('grinpath', 'grin --sys-path'), ('grindpath', 'grind --sys-path'), ('grunt', 'grunt'), ('gvim', 'gvim'), ('head', 'head'), ('hg', 'hg'), ('hgl', 'hg log -l10'), ('hgs', 'hg status'), ('htop', 'htop'), ('ifconfig', 'ifconfig'), ('ip', 'ip'), ('last', 'last'), ('la', 'ls {} -A'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('ll', 'ls {} -al'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('ls', 'ls {}'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('lt', 'ls {} -altr'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('lz', 'ls {} -alZ'.format(LS_COLOR_AUTO)), ('lxc', 'lxc'), ('make', 'make'), ('mkdir', 'mkdir'), ('netstat', 'netstat'), ('nslookup', 'nslookup'), ('ping', 'ping'), ('mv', 'mv'), ('ps', 'ps'), ('psf', PSF_COMMAND), ('psx', PSX_COMMAND), ('psh', '{} | head'.format(PSX_COMMAND)), ('psc', '{} {}'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_CPU)), ('psch', '{} {} | head'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_CPU)), ('psm', '{} {}'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_MEM)), ('psmh', '{} {} | head'.format(PSX_COMMAND, PS_SORT_MEM)), ('psfx', PSF_COMMAND), ('pydoc', 'pydoc'), ('pyline', 'pyline'), ('pyrpo', 'pyrpo'), ('route', 'route'), ('rm', 'rm'), ('rsync', 'rsync'), ('sqlite3', 'sqlite3'), ('ss', 'ss'), ('ssv', 'supervisord'), ('stat', 'stat'), ('sudo', 'sudo'), ('sv', 'supervisorctl'), ('t', 'tail -f'), ('tail', 'tail'), ('thg', 'thg'), ('top', 'top'), ('tracepath', 'tracepath'), ('tracepath6', 'tracepath6'), ('vim', 'vim'), ('uptime', 'uptime'), ('which', 'which'), ('who_', 'who'), ('whoami', 'whoami'), ('zsh', 'zsh'), )) return DEFAULT_ALIASES
[docs]def in_ipython_config(): """ Returns: bool: True if ``get_ipython`` is in ``globals()`` """ return 'get_config' in globals()
[docs]def ipython_main(): """ Function to call if running within IPython, as determined by ``in_ipython_config``. """ venv = None if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ: venv = Venv(from_environ=True) venv.configure_ipython() else: Venv._configure_ipython()
if in_ipython_config(): print("### configuring IPython") ipython_main()
[docs]def ipython_imports(): """ Default imports for IPython (currently unused) """ from IPython.external.path import path path from pprint import pprint as pp pp from pprint import pformat as pf pf def ppd(self, *args, **kwargs): import json print(type(self)) print( json.dumps(*args, indent=2))
import unittest
[docs]class Test_Env(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_Env(self): e = Env() assert 'WORKON_HOME' not in e
[docs] def test_Env_from_environ(self): import os e = Env.from_environ(os.environ) assert 'WORKON_HOME' in e
[docs]class Test_venv(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.TEST_VIRTUALENV = 'dotfiles' self.TEST_APPNAME = 'dotfiles' self.TEST_VIRTUAL_ENV = joinpath(get_workon_home_default(), 'dotfiles')
[docs] def test_venv(self): venv = Venv(self.TEST_VIRTUALENV) assert 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in venv.env self.assertEqual(venv.virtualenv, self.TEST_VIRTUAL_ENV)
[docs] def test_venv_appname(self): venv = Venv(self.TEST_VIRTUALENV, self.TEST_APPNAME) self.assertEqual(venv.appname, self.TEST_APPNAME)
[docs] def test_venv_from_null_environ(self): self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, Venv)
[docs] def test_venv_without_environ(self): os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = self.TEST_VIRTUAL_ENV self.failUnlessRaises(Exception, Venv)
[docs] def test_venv_with_environ(self): os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'] = self.TEST_VIRTUAL_ENV venv = Venv(from_environ=True) venv
[docs]def get_venv_parser(): """ Returns: optparse.OptionParser: options for the commandline interface """ import optparse prs = optparse.OptionParser( usage=("%prog [-b|--print-bash] [-t] [-e] [-E<virtualenv>] [appname]"), description="", epilog="Copyright 2014 Wes Turner. New BSD License\n") prs.add_option('-E', '--from-shell-environ', dest='load_environ', action='store_true') prs.add_option('-p', '--print', '--print-json', '--json', dest='print_env', action='store_true', help="Print venv configuration as JSON") prs.add_option('-b', '--bash', '--print-bash', '--zsh', '--print-zsh', dest='print_bash', action='store_true', help="Print venv configuration for Bash, ZSH" ) prs.add_option('-x', '--cmd', '--command', dest='run_command', action='store', help="Run a command in a venv-configured shell") prs.add_option('-t', '--terminals', '--open-terminals', dest='open_terminals', action='store_true', default=False, help="Open terminals within the venv [gnome-terminal]" ) prs.add_option('-e', '--editors', '--open-editors', dest='open_editors', action='store_true', default=False, help=("Open an editor with venv._project_files" " [$PROJECT_FILES]") ) prs.add_option('--platform', dest='platform', action='store', default=None, help='Platform to generate configuration for') prs.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',) prs.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true',) prs.add_option('-T', '--test', dest='run_tests', action='store_true',) return prs
[docs]def main(): """ Commandline main function called if ``__name__=="__main__"`` Returns: int: nonzero on error """ import logging prs = get_venv_parser() (opts, args) = prs.parse_args() if not opts.quiet: logging.basicConfig() if opts.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if opts.run_tests: sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + args sys.exit(unittest.main()) if opts.load_environ: import os if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ: args.insert(0, os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV']) venv = Venv(*args, open_editors=opts.open_editors, open_terminals=opts.open_terminals) if opts.print_env: output = sys.stdout print(venv.to_json(indent=2), file=output) if opts.print_bash: venv.bash_env() if opts.run_command: import os import subprocess os.environ.update((k, str(v)) for (k, v) in venv.env.items()), shell=True, env=os.environ, cwd=venv.virtualenv) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": main()